International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”

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    Impact of labour mobility on the demographic phenomenon evolution in the 21st century. The case of Romania
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Balan, Mariana; Uzlau, Carmen
    The forecast regarding the total population of Romania in 2050 are pessimistic, with estimates of population decline ranging between 15 and 16 million people. One of the factors influencing population decline is the phenomenon of migration. Romania is facing a massive migration phenomenon (domestic, but especially external). This migration from less developed areas (rural areas or small cities) to economically dynamic urban areas or other states has led to an imbalance in population distribution and socio-demographic structures and even a marked depopulation in certain areas. Purpose: identification and synthesis of factors that have produced new characteristics of the structure, size and intensity of migratory flows and analysis of the impact of labour mobility on demographic evolution. Method: Descriptive statistical analysis was mainly used to visualize and synthesize information derived from international/national migration data and demographic changes. The classification analysis was used in defining a typology of the size and structure of migratory flows and of the factors that caused the demographic decline in Romania. The factorial analysis was used in the creation of indices to compare the effects of labour migration on demographic evolution in the short and medium term. Results: Conducting a comparative analysis of the effects of labour migration on the demographic structure in Romania.
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    Vulnerabilities on the youth labour market at the level of development regions of Romania
    (INCE, 2022) Balan, Mariana
    The onset of the health crisis has found the young people's labour market still fragile after the economic and financial crisis triggered in 2008-2009. At country level, the unemployment rate among young people aged 15-24 years has seen significant variations as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching 23.7% in the 4th quarter of 2021. As the pandemic has spread, the prevalence of the NEET status, inactivity in the labour market and informal work among young people have increased even more than unemployment among them. The economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have been and still are significant for young people. The health crisis has been particularly serious for young people, causing disruptions in their education, training and on-the-job learning, but also the loss of jobs and incomes, increasing the difficulties for young people looking for a job. Purpose: Analysis and synthesis of the main existing vulnerabilities on the youth labour market, their manifestation in the development regions of Romania under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: Descriptive statistical analysis was used in particular for visualizing and synthesizing the information derived from the regional labour market data. The classification analysis was used to define a typology of vulnerabilities on the youth labour market, and the factor analysis to create indicators of the vulnerability of their employment. Results: creation of a synthesis of the main vulnerabilities encountered on the youth labour market at the level of the development regions of Romania.
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    Ocuparea, șomajul și inserția tinerilor pe piața muncii în condițiile dezvoltării durabile în România
    (IEFS, 2012) Balan, Mariana; Balan, Gheorghe-Stelian; Alstom, S. C.
    Employment in Romania recorded developments, processes and trends that reflect direct and indirect influences of the national economic system. Economic and financial crisis were manifested on the labor market too, characterized by lower rates of employment and higher rates of unemployment. In this context youth employment rate decreased, their unemployment rate increased, leading to a low insertion of young people in the labor market. This paper presents a brief characterization of the labor market in the European Union and Romania. Of the multitude of problems facing the young labor market, in this paper is analyzed the evolution of unemployment population aged 15-24 years. It also presents the results of statistical analysis of the evolution of Romanian university educational supply, on the training areas and some advantages of using young workforce for Romanian sustainable development.
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    Provocările crizei actuale asupra pieţei forţei de muncă în regiunile de dezvoltare ale României
    (IEFS, 2011) Balan, Mariana
    Les effets de la crise financière, continue à se faire sentir dans l'économie mondiale. Même si le point minimum de cette crise semble avoir été atteint, il est probable que la reprise pourrait être plus longue, généralement caractérisés par une croissance économique inférieure à son potentiel et une diminution progressive du taux de chômage, au cours de plusieurs années. En Roumanie, le secteur privé s’est ajusté naturellement à cause de la contraction économique. En conséquence, le gouvernement roumain a adopté une série de mesures visant à maintenir/créer des emplois. Pour le secteur public, ont été adopté une série des mesures visant à réduire les salaires des employés de l’administration publique, mais la solution adoptée par les autorités pour réduire les revenues des employés du secteur public de 25% depuis Juin 2010, peut être considérée comme une mesure provisoire dont l'objectif est de réduire le nombre d'employés. Dans ce contexte, la combinaison des politiques économiques destinées à atténuer la crise économique et financière devra prendre en compte les particularités de l'économie roumaine. Le papier présente certains des défis de la crise actuelle sur le marché du travail en Roumanie et son analyse en 2010 dans les régions de développement de la Roumanie.