International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”
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Item A competent and social entrepreneur: the experience of the lycée “Tito Lucrezio Caro” in Naples(INCE, 2022) Rossetti, Luigi Umberto; Di Benedetto, MariaThis paper aims to highlight the results obtained from the experimentation of a project for the development of entrepreneurial skills of students, drawing on the study of the art of local heritage to enhance the territory using digital tools appropriately. The project stems from the school’s need to train the new generations to the culture of enterprise, activating the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of students at the service of the territory for the promotion of tourism in the city. To promote and develop both the European skills related to entrepreneurship and the digital skills of the DigComp framework and the more general soft skills inherent to the competences of young people in the 21st century, the project has combined the typical knowledge of “doing business” with the available digital technologies. The goal was to create a startup project that uses crowdfunding to support “social” enterprise and to raise funds for the restoration of a site of historical and artistic interest in the city of Naples, promoting sustainable tourism actions. Enterprise culture is fundamental in today’s society. Everyone can develop their talents and creativity and put their skills at the service of society, not only to obtain an economic advantage, such as a job, but also to contribute to a benefit for the community itself, as in the case of the project. The tourist vocation of the city is another element that contributes to the training action of the project. Această lucrare își propune să evidențieze rezultatele obținute în urma executării proiectului pentru dezvoltarea abilităților antreprenoriale ale studenților, bazându-se pe studiul artei patrimoniului local pentru valorificarea lui, folosind instrumentele digitale în mod corespunzător. Proiectul pornește din necesarul școlii, de a instrui noile generații cu cultura întreprinderii, activând creativitatea și spiritul antreprenorial al studenților în slujba teritoriului pentru promovarea turismului în oraș. Pentru a promova și a dezvolta atât competențele europene legate de antreprenoriat cât și competențele digitale din cadrul DigComp, și abilitățile generale inerente la competențele tinerilor secolului XXI, proiectul a combinat cunoștințele tipice “doing business” cu tehnologiile digitale disponibile. Scopul a fost de a crea un proiect de tip start-up care să utilizeze crowdfunding pentru a susține întreprinderea “socială” și strângerea de fonduri pentru restaurarea unui sit de interes istoric și artistic din orașul Napoli, promovând acțiuni de turism durabil. Cultura antreprenorială este fundamentală în societatea actuală. Oricine își poate dezvolta talentele și creativitatea, pentru ași pune abilitățile în slujba societății, nu doar pentru a obține un avantaj economic, cum ar fi un loc de muncă, dar și să contribuie în beneficiu comunității, ca în cazul proiectului. Vocația turistică a orașului este un alt element care contribuie la acțiunea de formare a proiectului.Item Abordarea creşterii economice sustenabile prin prisma conceptului de potenţial economic(INCE, 2015) Bucos, TatianaAccentuarea importanţei conceptului de dezvoltare economică sustenabilă în teoria şi practica economică, determină necesitatea orientării cercetărilor ştiinţifice către identificarea condiţiilor social-economice, capabile să asigure acest gen de dezvoltare. Cercetările asupra posibilităţilor de atingere a dezvoltării economice sustenabile devin extrem de importante pentru ţările mici, cu o economie deschisă, precum este şi Republica Moldova. Pentru a determina şansele acestor ţări de a ajunge la o creştere economică sustenabilă este necesară redirecţionarea cercetării de la abordarea perspectivelor de dezvoltare a ţării prin prisma contabilizării resurselor economice, către abordarea prin prisma potenţialului economic naţional. În articol sunt aduse argumente în favoarea integrării categoriei potenţial economic în conceptul de dezvoltare economică sustenabilă. În definiţia propusă se pun accente atât pe necesitatea abordării sistemice a potenţialului economic naţional cât şi pe importanţa mediului social-economic în care se realizează valorificarea acestuia. Emphasizing the importance of the concept of sustainable economic development in economic theory and practice, determined the need to orient scientific research to identify socio-economic conditions that would be able to provide this kind of development. Researching of the possibilities of achieving sustainable economic development is crucial for small open economies, as Republic of Moldova. To determine the chances of these countries to reach sustainable economic growth is necessary that fundamental research be directed to approach economic potential. The author argues the need to integrate the category "economic potential" in the concept of sustainable economic development. The proposed definition emphasizes the need for a systemic approach to the category national economic potential. At the same time, the definition emphasizes the importance of the quality of social and economic environment in which national economic potential is exploited.Item Abordarea managementului integrat calitate - risc al resurselor umane în sectorul public(IEFS, 2012) Cojocaru, Svetlana; Butnaru, VeronicaOrganization’s survival and development, is closely linked to its ability to provide quality products and services that meet and even exceed customers’expectations. Human resources issues are central to the philosophy of quality and employee involvement is essential for the introduction and implementation of initiatives, programs, practices and techniques related to quality. In this context, assurance and continuous improvement of human resources “quality” should be included among the main concerns of the organization. Throughout its existence and development organization is at risk. Human resource is one which can be an important factor in risk management, but while it can itself become a source of risk. This thematic, is part of the trends of reconsidering the importance of human resources, their involvement in the quality and risk management organization.Item Abordarea socio-economică a activităţii autorităţilor publice prin prisma managementului cunoaşterii(IEFS, 2011) Sturza, AlexeiThe socio-economic approach to the activity of public authorities (PAs) from the knowledge (-based) management (KM or KBM) perspective is a further development of the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm that dominated in the 1980s and 1990s and of the electronic (e-) government concept typical for the 2000s. In the 2010s the paradigms of New Public Governance (NPG), transformational (also digital-era, joined-up, network(ed)) governance, learning organization (LO), organizational learning (OL), lifelong learning (LLL), and intelligent or knowledge (-based) governance are expected to come into play. KM is a multidisciplinary field of study, because its object is the organization-people-knowledge triad. Knowledge (k-) governance is KM in public administration (PA) and has certain objectives, key functions, benefits, and preconditions for implementation. PA must and can play a unique and a major role in the intellectualization of the society and economy, i.e. in building, exploring, and developing collective (societal) intelligence.Item Abordări istorice și tendințe globale în asigurarea securității financiare a băncilor(IEFS, 2012) Margineanu, DinaThe moldavian economy propose to be a part of global market and of course the banking system cannot developed isolated of bancar international system. The transposition of foreign practice in our system is not a resonant abordation if we think about our specific. In this context they most think about the real situation of bank sector. The historical abordation about the resolution of problems for asiguration of financial security. developed if we now the specific characters of bancar system in wich country.Item Abordări teoretice ale clasificării ramurii zootehnice și indicatorilor analizei economice(INCE, 2022) Baltag, Grigore; Baranov, ElenaZootehnia reprezintă una din ramurile Agriculturii naționale, producția căreia asigură circa 30% din valoarea PIB agricol. Ramura zootehnică se ocupă cu creșterea animalelor agricole cu scopul obținerii producțiilor alimentare (lapte, carne, ouă, miere) și a materiei prime (lână, piei, puf, pene, mătase ș.a.) pentru industria de procesare. Ramura are o importanță mare pentru economia națională prin rolul său în asigurarea populației cu produse alimentare și haine. Consumul de produse alimentare de origine animală constituie principalul indicator al bunăstării populației unei țări. Circa 60% din proteine și 30% din calorii obținute de către om prin alimentație provin din producțiile alimentare de origine animală, iar carnea și produsele din carne sunt considerate părți indispensabile și obligatorii ale structurii securității alimentare a unei țări. Analiza complexă a stării și dezvoltării ramurii zootehnice se efectuează în baza unui sistem de indicatori. Indicatorii de analiză a dezvoltării economice reprezintă categoria celor care apreciază capacitățile, raporturile calitative și cantitative ale proceselor și fenomenelor sectoriale. Indicatorii reflectă starea, dezvoltarea și stabilitatea dezvoltării producțiilor animaliere la diferite etape de evoluție în funcție de spațiu și timp. Aprecierea indicatorilor permite obținerea rezultatelor ce caracterizează fenomenele în mod individual, starea lor în context sistemic și caracteristicile proprii în context de grup.Item Abordări teoretice privind intensificarea producerii producției agricole(IEFS, 2012) Timofti, Elena; Memet, Diana; Popa, DanielaThe purpose of this paper is to research theoretical approaches on increasing production of agricultural production. Increasing the amount of agricultural products can be achieved by extending or enhancing, or both simultaneously. Also argue that these two processes to increase agricultural production under extensive and intensive not act independently. Interdependence between them was determined that mechanization, one of the basic factors of intensification, expansion of cultivated area allowed on pastures and meadows, which were originally used for animal feed. Extensive agricultural development path was determined to increase production in the early stages of development of agriculture. But, and are now attracted aside new land. Extensive agricultural development path was determined to increase production in the early stages of development of agriculture. But, and are now attracted aside new land. To ensure food security worldwide, there is another solution than increasing production of agricultural production.Item Abordările statistico-econometrice în evaluarea sărăciei subiective(IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, TatianaThe concept and methods for measurement of the subjective poverty are analyzed in the paper. It highlights the main statistic and econometric toolkits in themeasurement of subjective poverty. The Leiden’s regression method is described in details.Item About labor taxation in European Union. Evolution and current challenges(INCE, 2022) Mihaila, NicoletaScopul principal al lucrării îl constituie analiza impozitării muncii în Uniunea Europeană în perioada 2007-2020, metodologia utilizată fiind de tip descriptiv, prin apelarea la surse bibliografice variate, cu preponderență din literatura de specialitate străină, precum și o metodologie de tip cantitativ, pentru prelucrarea și analiza datelor preluate din bazele de date internaționale (Eurostat, OECD). Avem în vedere analiza impozitării muncii la nivelul țărilor membre UE prin utilizarea celor doi indicatori, Taxa implicită de impozitare, respectiv Tax wedge, în perioada menționată, precum și unele provocări/tendințe curente privind munca și posibile măsuri fiscale în contextul crizei sanitare actuale, în vederea ajutorării persoanelor vulnerabile și a economiei în ansamblul ei. The main purpose of the paper is the analysis of labor taxation in the European Union in 2007-2020, the methodology used being descriptive, by appealing to various bibliographic sources, mainly from foreign literature, and a quantitative methodology for processing and analysis of data taken from international databases (Eurostat, OECD). We consider the analysis of labor taxation at the level of EU member states by using the two indicators, Implicit tax rate (ITR), respectively Tax wedge, during the mentioned period, as well as some current challenges / trends on labor and possible fiscal measures in the context of the current health crisis, in order to help vulnerable persons/ families and the economy as a whole.Item Accesul migranților moldoveni la pensii după experiențele de muncă din Italia: specific și tendințe(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Deleu, EcaterinaThe aim of this study is to analyze the situation regarding the access of Moldovan migrants who returned to their country of origin to pensions in Italy after several years of work and a contribution period in the country of migration. The topic of ageing is a current issue for migrants, the number of those arriving at the retirement age is constantly increasing. Some solutions are stipulated in the bilateral agreements regarding social security, signed in the last 20 years by the Republic of Moldova with other countries where there are Moldovan citizens. The first dossiers of pensions from Italy for Moldovan citizens returned to the Republic of Moldova were completed in 2010-2011, and the contribution period was 7-10 years. In recent years, the pension files include a contribution period of 20 years. The number of returned Moldovan migrants who receive pensions from Italy has increased to about 6 thousand. In order to research this issue, we analyzed the national and international normative framework (Republic of Moldova, Italy, European Union), the implementation of the agreement between Moldova and Italy in the social security sector (also taking into account the new Moldovan-Italian agreement, signed in Rome on October 31, 2024, the responsibilities of the National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova, the official statistics regarding the community of Moldovan citizens in Italy, etc. We conducted in-depth interviews with the representatives of the ACLI Patronat office in Chisinau (Patacli), operators and experts who provided assistance in completing pension files from 2011. For several years, the SIAS Patronat representatives also assisted Moldovan citizens interested in Italian pensions. Highlighted the arguments regarding the growth of Moldovan migrants with pensions from Italy and the estimations for the next years; the changes, the new agreement; the specifics of the current pension dossiers (types of pensions: for the age limit; disability; survivor's pensions); the conditions to have access to the pensions; the specifics of the highest (or lowest) pensions, etc.Item Activitatea inovațională a băncilor din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Caprian, IurieThe innovative activity of the banks constitutes the complex of measures aimed at the development of new banking products and/or the improvement (modification) of the existing ones in order to satisfy the conscious and/or potential needs of banking customers. Also, these activities are intended to create competitive advantages for the processing banks, and on this basis, it is important to growth the profitability of banking institutions by increasing the sales of banking products. To elaborate this work, were studied the works of experts in the field of banking innovations as well as the evolution of commercial bank offers in the Republic of Moldova in order to draw conclusions about the banks' innovative activity. The innovative process is being promoted on the Moldovan banking market in three directions: deposits, credit, and payment systems. Periodically, banking innovations are also carried out in complementary fields. The analysis of the innovative activity in the banking market of the Republic of Moldova allows us to conclude that it takes place continuously under the influence of internal and external factors, but with a certain delay compared to western banking practices.Item Actual global trends the of sharing economy(INCE, 2023) Luchian, Ivan; Doncev, TatianaThe collaborative economy is a socio-economic model based on the concept of the joint use of physical and human resources, which provides for the creation, production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services by individuals and organizations, jointly. It is known by a wide variety of names: access economy, crowd-based capitalism, collaborative economy, community- based economy, gig economy, peer economy, peer-to-peer economy, platform economy, renting economy and on-demand economy. The purpose of this article is to highlight the global trends in the field of sharing economy. In order to perfect this publication, the opinions of experts in the field addressed from different countries were examined. Sharing economy has a number of positive aspects, as well as certain shortcomings. During the economic and ecological crisis, the development of the sharing economy presents itself as one of the effective solutions. The global sharing economy market in the year 2022 was about 150 billion USD. The forecast is to reach USD 335 billion in 2025 and USD 794 billion by 2028. Today we can talk about the following areas of the sharing economy: collaborative consumption, open knowledge, joint production, joint financing. The development of the sharing economy is linked to the digitization process. The implementation of the sharing economy in the Republic of Moldova can have beneficial effects, but it requires legislative, administrative, economic and educational efforts.Item Adverse selection in credit analysis of the community credit bank (CCB)(IEFS, 2011) Sulistiowati, NovitaAsymmetric information in credit market arises when the bank is not able to identify borrower based on the probability of repayment. This situation can cause credit defaults. The high of nonperforming loan in CCB credit market refers to the high of credit defaults which indicate the existence of asymmetric information in CCB credit analysis. One of manifestation of asymmetric information problem is adverse selection. Adverse selection arises when borrower has hidden characteristics that are unknown by the bank. As screening device, high interest rate may only attract borrower with low probability of repayment, so adverse selection arises because bank refuses borrower whom cannot afford the high interest rate. This research identifies adverse selection problem in CCB credit analysis. The objective of this research is examining the relationship of credit interest rate to quality of borrower credit collectability and the hypothesis is that credit interest rate has negative relationship with the quality of borrower credit collectability.Item Agricultura ecologică – ramură strategică pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a agriculturii în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2023) Cimpoies, Liliana; Cosalic, DianaAmong the trends in the development of the sustainable agriculture, the field of "ecological agriculture" has a priority role, because the European Union policies also place an increased emphasis on the development of the ecological agriculture. Thus, EU member countries have approved, as a priority objective, the increase of the agricultural areas in the ecological system up to 25% of the total cultivated areas, by the end of 2030. Unfortunately, Republic of Moldova didn’t align such an objective, however, the concept of developing the ecological agriculture came out in the early 90s when The Professor Boris Boincean – the promoter of agricultural science, developed the sustainable agriculture in the Republic of Moldova. This branch is a very promising one, for an impressive number of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova, due to the effects of the climate changes, lower production cost, in comparison to the conventional agriculture and the rapidly global growing demand for organic products. The Ecological products also have a positive impact over the employment process, therefore, it has a very low impact on the environment, and it encourages: responsible use of the energy and natural resources; preservation of biodiversity; preservation of the ecological balances; increasing soil fertility; maintaining water quality. As producers and processors from the Republic of Moldova seek to capitalize these opportunities, the Government is making considerable efforts to create favorable conditions for the development of this sector.Item Agricultura No-till - realizare remarcabilă în nordul Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2022) Cojocaru, Olesea; Panfil, Gheorghe; Panfil, PetruLa nivel mondial, sistemul conservativ a fost introdus acum șase decenii. Aceasta ar însemna că noi am rămas în urmă cu 60 de ani de restul lumii [8]. Agricultura Republicii Moldova se află pe calea unei modernizări tehnologice revoluționare dictată de scumpirea resurselor energetice neregenerabile și a derivatelor acestora (îngrășăminte minerale, inclusiv de azot, carburanți, pesticide, tehnică agricolă) în condițiile impactului negativ considerabil al tehnologiilor bazate pe lucrarea excesivă a solului asupra mediului ambiant, pe fundalul sporirii frecvenței secetelor din ultimii ani. Agricultura Conservativă este o măsură de sporire a competitivității prin reducerea cheltuielilor de producere și de adaptare la schimbările climatice. Considerată un sistem durabil de agricultură, prin a cărui implementare se restabilește fertilitatea solului [1]. În acest context un exemplu actual al cercetărilor expuse de autori, evocă scopul acestei lucrări, ce constă în evaluarea utilizării agriculturii conservative de către întreprinderea „Agro-Panfil” din satul Plop, raionul Donduşeni, fiind una dintre cele mai performante la capitolul tehnologii și utilaje agricole din Nordul țării. Gospodăria Țărănească ”Agro-Panfil cultivă cereale și culturi industriale peste 1.000 de hectare de câmpuri anual. Monitorizarea agroecosistemelor s-a realizat practic de la semănat până la recoltare și post recoltare pe întreaga perioadă a anului agricol prin intermediul Stației ”HOBO – 01102025”. Studiul științific pe poligonul-cheie, privind implementarea agriculturii No-till își are activitatea de 15 ani, iar tehnologia Mini-till se desfășoară de 20 de ani. Investigarea productivității agroecosistemelor culturilor de câmp pe agrocenoze și supravegherea schimbărilor condițiilor climaterice, s-a efectuat în dependență de sistemul de lucrare aplicat (Mini-till și No-till) anilor 2018 – 2021. Competitivitatea acestei gospodării țărănești este un exemplu notoriu - clasic de afacere a unei familii de succes din Nordul Republicii Moldova. В глобальном масштабе консервативная система была введена шесть десятилетий назад. Это означало бы, что мы на 60 лет отстаем от остального мира [8]. Сельское хозяйство Молдовы находится на пути революционной технологической модернизации, продиктованной удорожанием не возобновляемых энергоресурсов и их производных (минеральные удобрения, включая азот, топливо, пестициды, сельскохозяйственная техника) в условиях значительного негативного воздействия технологий из-за чрезмерной обработки почвы на фоне учащающихся засух в последние годы. Консервативное сельское хозяйство — это мера повышения конкурентоспособности за счет снижения производственных затрат и адаптации к изменению климата. Считается устойчивой системой сельского хозяйства, за счет реализации которой восстанавливается плодородие почвы [1]. В этом контексте текущий пример исследования, представленный авторами, напоминает о цели данной статьи, заключающейся в оценке использования консервативного сельского хозяйства компанией «АгроПанфил» в селе Плоп Дондюшанского района, являющейся одним из лучших с точки зрения техники и оборудования фермеров Севера страны. В хозяйстве «Агро-Панфил» ежегодно выращивают зерновые и технические культуры на площади более 1000 га. Мониторинг агроэкосистем осуществлялся практически от посева до уборки урожая и послеуборочной за весь период сельскохозяйственного года через Станцию «HOBO - 01102025». Научное исследование ключевого полигона, касающееся внедрения технологии No-till, ведется уже 15 лет, а технология Mini-till работает уже 20 лет. Исследование продуктивности агроэкосистем полевых культур на агроценозах и наблюдение за климатическими условиями проводилось в зависимости от применяемой системы работы (Mini-till и No-till) на 2018-2021 годы. Конкурентоспособность этого крестьянского хозяйства - замечательный классический пример бизнеса успешной семьи с севера Республики Молдова. Globally, the conservative system was introduced six decades ago. This would mean that we are 60 years behind the rest of the world [8]. Moldova's agriculture is on the path of a revolutionary technological modernization dictated by the increase in the price of non-renewable energy resources and their derivatives (mineral fertilizers, including nitrogen, fuels, pesticides, agricultural machinery) in the conditions of considerable negative impact of technologies based on excessive tillage environment, against the background of the increasing frequency of droughts in recent years. Conservative agriculture is a measure to increase competitiveness by reducing production costs and adapting to climate change. Considered a sustainable system of agriculture, through the implementation of which soil fertility is restored [1]. In this context, a current example of research presented by the authors, evokes the purpose of this paper, which is to evaluate the use of conservative agriculture by the company "Agro-Panfil" in Plop village, Donduseni district, being one of the best in terms of technology and equipment farmers in the North of the country. The “Agro-Panfil” Peasant Household cultivates cereals and industrial crops over 1,000 hectares of fields annually. The monitoring of agroecosystems was carried out practically from sowing to harvesting and post-harvesting for the entire period of the agricultural year through the “HOBO - 01102025” Station. The scientific study on the key polygon, regarding the implementation of No-till agriculture has been active for 15 years, and the Mini-till technology has been running for 20 years. The investigation of the productivity of agroecosystems of field crops on agrocenoses and the monitoring of climatic conditions, was carried out depending on the applied work system (Mini-till and No-till) for the years 2018 - 2021. The competitiveness of this peasant household is a notorious example - classic business a successful family from the North of the Republic of Moldova.Item Agricultural development under a changing climate in Ukraine: trends and challenges(INCE, 2023) Prokopenko, KaterynaThe last century was characterized by noticeable climatic changes. The whole world, including Ukraine has been significantly impacted. Such changes are characterized by increased average annual temperature on the planet surface, increased level of the water in the oceans, increased number of natural disasters and cataclysms, such as desertification, landslides, hurricanes, etc. Furthermore, the climate change coincides with the period of increasing food shortages in the world. The aim of the article is to study the dependence of agricultural efficiency on the changes in agro-climatic conditions of production in the long term and the impact of these changes on the cultivation of agricultural crops and their productivity. Research methods are general scientific and special, qualitative and quantitative, theoretical and empirical, comparative analysis. Agriculture is the sector of the Ukrainian economy that is the most vulnerable to fluctuations and climate changes. Given its inertial nature and the dependence on weather conditions, it is essential to make timely and adequate decisions regarding the problems caused by climate changes. Taken the expected increase of the air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, Ukraine's food security will largely depend on the efficient adaptation to upcoming climate changes. The consequences and risks of the climate change for the food production vary from region to region, however the negative impact of climate trends outweighs the positive one. Thus, the research of the impact of climate change on the efficiency of agro-food production is crucial for the development of policies that would help to adapt to the consequences of these changes.Item Agriculture and environmentally beneficial practices applicable to arable land introduced through the eco-scheme(INCE, 2022) Stoicea, Paula; Certan, Ion; Dobre, Carina Andreea; Iorga, Adina Magdalena; Chiurciu, Irina Adriana; Balan, AureliaThe practice of sustainable agriculture requires the adoption of legislative, economic, technical and technological measures to mitigate the effects of climate warming, with particular emphasis on the protection of the environment and biodiversity, but also on encouraging farmers to apply them, taking into account the profitability of agricultural businesses. The Common Agricultural Policy, oriented towards a number of pressing aspects, such as climate change, food security, sustainable management of natural resources and supporting rural areas, aims to maintain the vitality of their economy and preserve the environment. For this purpose, the National Strategic Plan of Romania for the period 2023-2027 includes, in the direct payments section, the eco-scheme "Beneficial practices for the environment applicable in arable land", a subsidy that can be accessed by farmers who own agricultural holdings with a minimum of 5 ha arable land, and which, for access, are conditioned by the allocation of 4% of the area held for non-productive elements, and on 5% of its area existing annual protein vegetable or leguminous crops, fixing nitrogen, which can be harvested. Also, from the specific conditions, to apply a beneficial practice for the environment, on choice: either the diversification of crops, or to practice a conservative type technology (no tillage/minimum tillage/strip tillage), or to practice fertilirigation or phase fertilization, or to apply measures to correct soil acidity (liming measures). These aspects represent a challenge for farmers, who must take into account new approaches.Item AI and the reduction of social inequalities in a linguistic perspective(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Santorelli, Marion; Catullo, Domenico; Palladino, MarilenaArtificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to both exacerbate and alleviate social inequalities. In this paper, we investigate AI’s impact from a linguistic perspective, focusing on economic disparities, resource allocation, and ethical considerations. Actuality: We examine the current state of AI adoption and its implications for social equity. Recent developments, trends, and challenges related to AI’s influence on linguistic and social disparities are highlighted. Purpose: Our research aims to investigate how AI can contribute to reducing inequalities. Specifically, we consider linguistic aspects, such as language bias in AI algorithms, alongside broader societal implications. Research Methods:Our methodology involves a comprehensive literature review. We analyse existing studies, case examples, and empirical evidence related to AI’s impact on social inequalities. Results: Preliminary findings suggest that responsible AI design can bridge gaps and dismantle biases. By prioritizing fairness, transparency, and ethical development, we can harness AI’s power to create a more equitable society across linguistic boundaries.In summary, this paper advocates for vigilance and empathy in embracing transformative AI technologies to address social disparities.Item Alternative methods to measuring the Romanian economy’s business cycle(INCE, 2022) Radu, Stefan-ConstantinIn the following paper we will present a series of mathematical models that have the scope of approximating the business cycle of the Romanian economy for the period between 1995 and 2022 by using quarterly data of the Gross Domestic Product. The main findings of the paper suggest the use of three different methods for approximating the business cycle, with very interesting and varied results. The accuracy of the approximation of the proposed methods is compared to the traditional method of using the Hodrick-Prescott filter. The originality of the paper lays in applying different methods of calculating the business cycle and comparing their effectiveness for the case of the Romanian economy. In this case we observe that when comparing the methods for the Romanian economy, the alternatives to the Hodrick-Prescott filter are viable and useful.Item An analysis of social and labor market indicators in the Republic of Moldova in the period 2006-2022(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Ailinca, Alina GeorgetaTopic importance is revealed in the framework of extremely strong and outright regional games such as the outbreak of war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022. Thus, understanding the regional assets, but also the shortcomings, can make the difference between regional winners and losers. The social and labor market indicators can describe the social framework for the manifestation of these pressures and can reveal the strong, but also less positive points of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of some social and labor market indicators from the Republic of Moldova in relation to the average of other countries in the European Neighborhood Policy-East (ENP-E), but also, where it can be, compared to the EU average, represents the purpose of this study. The methodology reflects the comparative analysis of several social and labor market indicators, based on statistical data, for the 2006-2022 period of Eurostat, channeling mainly the ENPE regional statistical data. The results outline the additional efforts that must be made for a better integration of the Republic of Moldova into the social framework of the European Union with 27 states.