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Strengthening post-war solidarity of ukrainians through the social contract updating
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Burlay, Tatyana
The Summit of the Future 2024 and the World Social Summit 2025, which will be held under the UN auspices, show that the social contracts renewal is among the global agenda priorities. This issue is of great importance for postconflict and war-torn societies, similar to Ukrainian society. Even in pre-war times, a significant deficit of social justice and the entrenchment of destructive institutions such as strong corruption, the shadow economy, precarization, etc., were observed in Ukraine. This led to the social contract erosion, which in the post-war period can accelerate and slow down reconstructive recovery. The relevance of the study is dictated by the need to preserve the high level of Ukrainians solidarity, which was revealed during the Russian-Ukrainian war, and to direct the potential of solidarity to post-war reconstruction. The research purpose is to clarify the framework and instruments of Ukraine's post-war renewal of the social contract and its potential for strengthening the solidarity of society, which should heal the social traumas of the war. Our research involves the use of an interdisciplinary approach, as well as institutional and comparative methodology. The key research results are related, firstly, the reveal the role of society-wide solidarity as a factor of Ukraine's societal resilience during the warfare and its effective post-war reconstruction recovery. Secondly, the substantiation of the main principles for the post-war renewal of the Ukrainian social contract, which is the foundation for strengthening the solidarity of the country's citizens after the end of the war. The article presents the results of the research carried out within the Project “Socio-Economic Challenges and Prospects for Reproducing the Potential for Solidarity of Ukrainian Society during the War and Postwar Development of Ukraine” (state registration No. 0124U003262).
An analysis of social and labor market indicators in the Republic of Moldova in the period 2006-2022
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Ailinca, Alina Georgeta
Topic importance is revealed in the framework of extremely strong and outright regional games such as the outbreak of war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022. Thus, understanding the regional assets, but also the shortcomings, can make the difference between regional winners and losers. The social and labor market indicators can describe the social framework for the manifestation of these pressures and can reveal the strong, but also less positive points of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of some social and labor market indicators from the Republic of Moldova in relation to the average of other countries in the European Neighborhood Policy-East (ENP-E), but also, where it can be, compared to the EU average, represents the purpose of this study. The methodology reflects the comparative analysis of several social and labor market indicators, based on statistical data, for the 2006-2022 period of Eurostat, channeling mainly the ENPE regional statistical data. The results outline the additional efforts that must be made for a better integration of the Republic of Moldova into the social framework of the European Union with 27 states.
Respect for human dignity as the idea of justice for persons with disabilities and their families: the missing gaze
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Miccio, Angela
This paper intends to analyze critical issues and prospects after adoption of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The actual picture that emerges is certainly not reassuring. The medical model of disability is still prevalent. In most cases, path aimed at an independent living isn’t considered. People with disabilities and their family members, family caregiver, siblings aren’t adequately involved in decisions that affect them and they often are isolated. Adults with intellectual disabilities are considered as a separate topic. There are many abuses in support administrations that become cobwebs for beneficiaries themselves and their families. The paper purpose is highlighting the importance of human dignity. It is important to implement a cultural resolution to say enough to structures where people with disabilities are relegated. It is fundamental to break down barriers of all kinds: sensorial, architectural and, in particular, all mental barriers! The used research methods concern an analysis of reality, giving voice to experiences of people with disabilities and their family members, siblings, family caregivers and a comparative analysis with connection to disability studies. The results will highlight how important it is, and at the basis of every authentic cultural revolution to give voices to stories, to the person in all his dignity and how it is necessary to overcome fragmentation to authentically reconfigure social policies. The approach to disability must be based on human rights. The challenge of inclusion concerns entire human race and not a small minority. “Nothing about us without us!”.
Social reporting in italian healthcare enterprises: an empirical analysis
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Mozzillo, Mirko
Social reporting is an integral part of the broader topic of corporate economic and financial reporting and is responsible for complying with the principle of transparency, which citizens increasingly demand. This is especially important in health care, in that, every citizen must be informed which health care facility they are entrusting their care to. Social reporting represents the most comprehensive and effective form of representation of overall corporate performance (Marcuccio, 2002). In the health sector, disseminating social reporting attempts to respond to growing information needs and support the complex system of institutional and environmental relations in which the healthcare company is embedded. Social reporting, therefore, represents a more comprehensive and effective form of performance representation in public companies (Marcuccio, 2002). Therefore, social reporting in healthcare, when combined with other local governance tools, through the enhancement of ethics, fosters increased sharing of knowledge, resources and responsibilities with a view to strategic alternatives in responding to health needs (Apuzzo, 2018).
Wellbeing și presiune la locul de muncă în sistemul penitenciar
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Neagoe, Stefan Adrian
Penitentiaries are considered workplaces where risk and aggression are omnipresent and where we often face improper material conditions. At the same time, they represent a special type of organization: a closed and "total" system, with a high level of professional isolation, maintained by strict routines and a hierarchy of regimes, an environment similar to that of mental hospitals (Goffman, 2020). Although there are many studies related to prison systems which addresses prison conditions and their impact on the condition of prisoners, little attention is paid to the wellbeing of prison staff, despite the important role they play in the reintegration process and in maintaining the health of prisoners. In the absence of critical reflection by the prison administrations, the trade union organizations took steps to address this subject. In this paper we present the results of the research carried out by the trade union organizations in Great Britain, Denmark, Norway and Romania in the period 2019 until now and we propose an explanatory model of the correlation between working conditions and the wellbeing of prison staff. Our approach can be a point of interest for the factors responsible for the development of policies in the correctional field in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, especially in the conditions of an accentuated dynamics of the penitentiary staff.