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Title: Accessibility and quality of healthcare service in the Republic of Moldova
Authors: Gutium, Tatiana
Keywords: health services
healthcare services
rural areas
urban areas
population well-being
servicii de sanatate
servicii pentru sanatate
zone rurale
zonele urbane
bunastarea populatiei
Republica Moldova
Republic of Moldova
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: „Independenţa Economică”
Citation: GUTIUM, Tatiana. Accessibility and quality of healthcare service in the Republic of Moldova. In: The Journal Contemporary Economy = Revista Economia Contemporană. 2023, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 12-18. ISSN 2537-4222, ISSN-L 2537-4222.
Abstract: Quality is one of the main characteristics of the assessment of health services. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Health Organization calls for countries to increase access to quality essential health services, medicines, and vaccines for the entire population, regardless of income level. The degree of implementation of this task in the Republic of Moldova is the research objective of this paper. The purpose of research is to assess the accessibility and quality of healthcare services. The analysis showed that there is a relationship between the level of income of the population and the degree of satisfaction of the population with their health. In this study, the author performed a comparative analysis of access to health services in the Republic of Moldova by area. Likewise, the author analysed the interdependence between population income and access to quality health services. A financial resource is an important condition in ensuring access to certain medical services, so the benefit of treatment or medical observation depends on the level of population well-being.
Description: Text: lb. engl. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : pp. 17-18 (14 titl.). JEL Classification: I11, I12.
ISSN: 2537-4222
Appears in Collections:Articole

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