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Title: Social insurance system and social benefits for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova
Other Titles: Sistemul de asigurări sociale și prestații sociale destinate persoanelor cu dizabilități din Moldova
Authors: Gutium, Tatiana
Keywords: persons with disabilities
social protection
cash benefits
disability pension
social protection policy
Republica Moldova
sistemul de asigurări sociale
persoane cu dizabilitati
prestatii sociale
Republica Moldova
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Performantica
Citation: GUTIUM, Tatiana. Social insurance system and social benefits for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova = Sistemul de asigurări sociale și prestații sociale destinate persoanelor cu dizabilități din Moldova. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: conferința internațională, ediția a XVIII, 28 octombrie 2022. Iași, 2022, vol. XLII, pp. 219-227. ISSN 2971- 8740.
Abstract: Different countries support people with disabilities to varying degrees. In advanced countries, social protection is higher than in developing countries. Although the social protection system is developing, people with disabilities are still among the most marginalized. They still face barriers in accessing education, in the labor market, and in using transport. The government should develop a system of state guarantees for the social protection of persons with disabilities to reduce the impact of these restrictions. Social assistance and social benefits for people with disabilities are the objects of this study. The paper analyzes the dynamics of social protection pensions and cash benefits in the countries of the European Union, as well as the evolution of the social protection of people with disabilities in Moldova. The features of the Moldovan state's social protection have been determined. One of the tasks of the state is to provide all people with equal opportunities for full participation in all spheres of life and types of social activities. This survey aims to develop proposals for improving social protection in the Republic of Moldova based on the study's results of experience in other countries. The results of this investigation are of practical importance and can be used by social protection authorities.
Description: Referințe bibliografice : p. 227 (10 itl.). JEL classification: D63, I38.
ISSN: 2971- 8740
Appears in Collections:Articole

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