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dc.contributor.authorCucirevii, Vladimir
dc.identifier.citationCUCIREVII, Vladimir. Particularităţile formării şi utilizării surselor bugetare pentru asigurarea creşterii economice = Peculiarities of formation and use of budgetary resources for the purpose of economic growth. In: Economica. 2015, nr. 2 (92), 2015, pp. 51-61. ISSN 1810-9136.en_EN
dc.descriptionAbstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 61 (8 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL Classification: O4.en_EN
dc.description.abstractIn prezent, sustinerea de stat a activitatii investitionale este una din conditiile importante ale ridicarii capacitatii de concurenta a economiei nationale si joaca un rol nu mai putin important decat alte mecanisme de piata si liberalizarea antreprenorialului. Parghiile influentei de stat asupra proceselor economice in conditiile pietei sunt instrumentele politicii fiscal-bugetare si monetar-creditare. Politica fiscal-bugetara este cel mai important instrument, deoarece interesele economice si politice se realizeaza nemijlocit prin ea. Cercetarile efectuate demonstreaza ca investitiile publice finantate din surse interne au scazut, in timp ce transferurile capitale si proiectele finantate din surse externe au crescut. Diminuarea investitiilor bugetare a adus la inrautatirea starii infrastructurii, coagularea programelor economice importante, dar, folosind finantarea externa, s-au obtinut rezultate eficiente, mai ales, in sectorul transporturilor. Aufost trase unele concluzii in temeiul eficientizarii politicii fiscal-bugetare si influentei ei asupra cresterii economice si elaborarii recomandarilor, privind imbunatatirea situatiei in acest domeniu.en_EN
dc.description.abstractState support of investment activity is today one of the important conditions of lifting of the competitiveness of the national economy and plays a role no less important than other market mechanisms and the liberalization of entrepreneurship. Levers of state influence on economic processes in market conditions are instruments of fiscal and monetarycredit policy. Fiscal policy is an important tool for economic and political interests that are achieved directly through it. The made research shows that public investment financed from domestic sources ell, while capital transfers and foreign-financed projects have increased. Decrease in budget investments brought to worsening of the infrastructure, joint ofimportant economic programs,but using external funding were achieved effective results, especially in the transport sector. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of the effectiveness of fiscal policy and its influence on economic growth and preparing recommendations on improving the situation in this area.en_EN
dc.publisherDepartamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEMen_EN
dc.subjectacumulare de capitalen_EN
dc.subjectmecanisme bugetareen_EN
dc.subjectinvestiţii publiceen_EN
dc.subjectplanificarea bugetaraen_EN
dc.subjectcompetitivitatea produseloren_EN
dc.subjectcapital accumulationen_EN
dc.subjectbudgetary mechanismsen_EN
dc.subjectpublic investmenten_EN
dc.subjectbudget planningen_EN
dc.subjectcompetitiveness of productsen_EN
dc.titleParticularităţile formării şi utilizării surselor bugetare pentru asigurarea creşterii economiceen_EN
dc.title.alternativePeculiarities of formation and use of budgetary resources for the purpose of economic growthen_EN
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