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Title: The ancient foundation’s concept of the fair relations of production and distribution
Authors: Iliadi, Gheorghe
Keywords: interese naţionale
protecţia motivării echitabile
concept filosofic
mod de viaţă
relaţii echitabile
national interests
protection of fair motivation
philosophical concept
equitable relations
равноправные отношения
национальные интересы
защита справедливой мотивации
философская концепция
образ жизни
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Complexul Editorial al INCE
Citation: ILIADI, Gheorghe. The ancient foundation’s concept of the fair relations of production and distribution. In: Economie şi Sociologie = Economy and Sociology. 2015, nr. 2, pp. 40-44. ISSN 1857-4130.
Abstract: The article discusses about the development of philosophical concepts, motivation and fair protection of national-public interests of the state and the population. Particular attention is given to the contribution to solving the problem from outstanding creative personalities of ancient Greece. For ancient thinkers gathering knowledge and its use for reasonable welfare of the country and citizens is higher than any other activity. Contemporary issues of fair relations of production and distribution remain popular in most countries, including the Republic of Moldova which recently became an independent state. Conceptual approaches can be used to develop strategies and tactics of motivating the fair protection of national-public interests of the state and the population, both in law and in their practical implementation. Key words: protection of fair motivation, production and distribution relationships, virtue: theory and practice, the role of public authorities: activity and behavior.
În articol se abordează dezvoltarea conceptelor filosofice de motivare justă a intereselor naţionale-sociale ale populaţiei şi statului. O deosebită atenţie se acordă în soluţionarea acestei probleme personalităţilor notorii de arta din Grecia Antică. Pentru gânditorii antici dobândirea cunoştinţelor şi folosirea lor pentru creşterea rezonabilă a bunăstării ţării şi cetăţenilor a fost mai presus decât orice altă activitate. Rezolvarea problemelor contemporane ale relaţiilor echitabile de producere-distribuţie ramâne necesară pentru majoritatea ţărilor, inclusiv şi Republica Moldova, care relativ recent a devenit un stat independent. Abordările conceptuale pot fi folosite pentru a elabora strategii şi tactici de motivare a protecţiei intereselor social-economice ale statului şi poporului, atât în baza legislativă,cât şi în aplicarea practică.
В статье рассматривается развитие философских концепций, и справедливая мотивация зашиты национально-общественных интересов государства и населения. Особое внимание придается вкладу в решение данной проблемы выдающихся творческих личностей Древней Греции. Для античных мыслителей приобретение знаний и их использование для разумного повышения благосостояния страны и ее граждан, являлось выше всякой иной деятельности. Решение современных проблем справедливых производственно-распределительных отношений, остается востребованным для большинства стран, в том числе и для Республики Молдова, относительно недавно ставшей независимым государством. Концептуальные подходы могут быть использованы при разработке стратегии и тактики справедливой мотивации зашиты национальных общественно-экономических интересов государства и населения, как в законодательном порядке, так и в практической их реализации.
Description: Abstract în lb. engl., rom., rusă. Bibliogr.: p. 44 (10 titl.). JEL Classification: D6; D69; D64; N3; B3.
ISSN: 1857-4130
Appears in Collections:Articole

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