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Title: Incubatoarele de inovare - entităţi de susţinere a competitivităţii întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în economia modernă
Other Titles: Innovation incubators - entities of support of small and medium-sized enterprises competitiveness in the modern economy
Authors: Maier, Lidia
Keywords: competitivitate
transfer tehnologic
sustinerea afacerilor
incubator de inovare
small and medium enterprises
technology transfer
business support
innovation incubators
intreprinderi mici si mijlocii
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IEFS
Citation: MAIER, Lidia. Incubatoarele de inovare - entităţi de susţinere a competitivităţii întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în economia modernă = Innovation incubators - entities of support of small and medium-sized enterprises competitiveness in the modern economy. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2013. nr. 2. pp. 67-86. ISSN 1857-4130.
Abstract: Incubatoarele de inovare sunt entitati din reteaua de infrastructuri de sustinere a intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii, care, la etapa de maxima vulnerabilitate a acestora, prin gama de servicii si facilitati acordata, asigura cresterea ratei de supravietuire a afacerilor inovative. Acestea au rolul de a atenua impactul problemelor cu care se confrunta IMM-urile, care elaboreaza si implementeaza inovatii, asigurand sustenabilitate si competitivitate. De rand cu promovarea spiritului antreprenorial, incubatoarele de inovare joaca un rol esential in promovarea transferului de cunostinte, a inovatiilor, introducerea in circuitul economic a rezultatelor cercetarii, creeaza legaturi intre mediul de afaceri, universitati, institutii de cercetare, etc., legaturi intre persoane, talente si resurse. In prezentul articol ne vom concentra atentia asupra incubatoarelor de inovare, asupra rolului acestora in dezvoltarea IMM-urilor in general in lume, precum si in RM, punand accentul in special pe crearea si dezvoltarea primului Incubator de Inovare din tara „Inovatorul”.
Innovation incubators are entities of the infrastructure network of support of small and medium-sized enterprises. At the stage of SMEs’ maximum vulnerability, they improve the survival of innovative businesses through the range of services and facilities provided. They are designed to mitigate the problems faced by SMEs, which develop and implement innovations, ensuring sustainability and competitiveness. Along with promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, innovation incubators play an essential role in promoting knowledge and innovation transfer, introduction of the research results into economic circuit, creating links between businesses, universities, research institutions, etc., links between people, talents and resources. In this article, we will focus on innovation incubators, their role in the development of SMEs in the world and in the Republic of Moldova, making an accent in the creation and development of the country's first Innovation Incubator „Inovatorul”.
Description: Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 86 (10 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL classification: L32, L53, M10, O31, O35.
ISSN: 1857-4130
Appears in Collections:Articole

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