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dc.contributor.authorNovac, Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorVinogradova, Natalia
dc.identifier.citationNOVAC, Alexandra, VINOGRADOVA, Natalia. Condiţii pentru antreprenoriatul mic şi mijlociu în Republica Moldova: obstacole şi oportunităţi de îmbunătăţire. In: Economic growth in conditions of internationalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile internaționalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VI-th edition, october 20-21, 2011, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2011, vol. I, pp. 280-284. ISBN 978-9975-4176-7-9.en_EN
dc.descriptionText: lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 284 (8 titl.).en_EN
dc.description.abstractNew technologies and better access to global markets provide the opportunities’growth for the business. At the same time, the competitiveness’ growth, emphasis on a quality, pressing demand for less costs and other factors represent major challenges for the entrepreneurship. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) these challenges are of larger importance, as SME face a lack of resources to a greater degree and are of lower capacities to solve sharp problems of a running business. The importance of the sector and existing restrictions of SME were recognized by the governments of most of the countries, so an important goal for policies is to ensure conditions for better SME’s development.en_EN
dc.subjectantreprenoriatul mic si mijlociuen_EN
dc.subjectRepublica Moldovaen_EN
dc.subjectintreprinderi mici si mijlociien_EN
dc.titleCondiţii pentru antreprenoriatul mic şi mijlociu în Republica Moldova: obstacole şi oportunităţi de îmbunătăţireen_EN
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