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Title: Indicii modificărilor structurale – instrument specific pentru estimarea dinamicii nivelului de trai al populației
Authors: Gutium, Tatiana
Colesnicova, Tatiana
Keywords: standard of living
Gatev index
Szalai Index
Ryabtsev index
nivel de trai
indicele Gatev
indicele Szalai
indicele Ryabtsev
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Tipogr. "A& VPoligraf"
Citation: GUTIUM, Tatiana, COLESNICOVA, Tatiana. Indicii modificărilor structurale – instrument specific pentru estimarea dinamicii nivelului de trai al populației. В: Știința. Еducație. Сultură = Наука. Образование. Культура : международная научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 30-й годовщине Комратского государственного университета: сборник статей. Комрат, 2021, том 1: Экономические науки. Сельское хозяйство и перерабатывающая промышленность. Информационные технологии, математика и физика. Право и политические науки. Психолого-Педагогические науки, сс. 37-42. ISBN 978-9975-3496-2-8.
Abstract: Maintaining the level of well-being of the population, in the period of pandemic or crisis, depends not only on the accumulated savings, but also on the diversification of income sources, the structural changes of which can be estimated with the help of special indices. Various indices are applied in world practice, such as the Gatev, Szalai, Ryabtsev indices, but none of these indices has yet been applied in the analysis of structural changes in the standard of living of the population of the Republic of Moldova. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the application of the listed indices for estimating the structural changes of the incomes and expenses of the population of the Republic of Moldova in the context of detecting the constraints of the promoted public policies.
Description: Text: lb. rom. Abstract: lb. engl. Referințe bibliogr.: p. 42 (5 titl.). УДК: 330.59(478)
ISSN: 978-9975-3496-2-8
Appears in Collections:Articole

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