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dc.contributor.authorTimofei, Olga
dc.contributor.authorIordachi, Victoria
dc.contributor.authorPerciun, Rodica
dc.identifier.citationTIMOFEI, Olga, IORDACHI, Victoria, PERCIUN, Rodica. Циркулярная экономика: концептуальное содержание и перспективы. In: XXI əsrdə beynəlxalq iqtisadi munasibətlərin prioritet istiqamətləri = Priority directions of international economic relations in the XXI century": Proceedings of the International Scientific Practice Conference, May 22, 2020 Bakı. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2020, pp. 79-85. ISBN 978-9952-28-532-1.en_EN
dc.descriptionReferințe: p. 85 (27 titl.).en_EN
dc.description.abstractAt present, the circular economy or the Closed-Loop economy is becoming an increasingly relevant topic promoted by the EU, several national governments and many enterprises around the world, which promotes the responsible and cyclical use of resources that possibly contribute to sustainable development. However, its scientific and research content is superficial and disorganized. The concept of a circular economy involves a set of individual ideas from several areas and scientifically unfounded definitions. The purpose of this article is to define the existent studies related to circular economy and to conduct a critical analysis of the prospects for implementing this concept in conditions of a modern economy.en_EN
dc.subjectlinear economyen_EN
dc.subjectcircular economyen_EN
dc.subjectsustainable developmenten_EN
dc.subjecteconomie liniaraen_EN
dc.subjecteconomie circularaen_EN
dc.titleЦиркулярная экономика: концептуальное содержание и перспективыen_EN
Appears in Collections:Articole

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