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dc.contributor.authorGutium, Tatiana
dc.identifier.citationГУТЮМ, Татьяна. Менеджмент оценки конкурентоспособности товаров. In: XXI əsrdə beynəlxalq iqtisadi munasibətlərin prioritet istiqamətləri = Priority directions of international economic relations in the XXI century": Proceedings of the International Scientific Practice Conference, May 22, 2020 Bakı. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2020, pp. 377-382. ISBN 978-9952-28-532-1.en_EN
dc.descriptionReferințe: p. 382 (15 titl.).en_EN
dc.description.abstractThe world economy is developing dynamically; the prerequisites for the elaboration of a new type of management have been created. The subject of the study is the management of competitiveness assessment of goods. Follow methods were used in the process of research: the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, empirical methods. The aims of the research are to develop the fundamentals of management of competitiveness assessment of goods, to systematize assessment indicators taking into account specifics of the Moldovan economy, to elaborate proposals and measures to increase the competitiveness of domestic goods. As elements of novelty can be mentioned the following: author has elaborated the definition and stages of "management of competitiveness assessment of goods", has performed the comparative analysis of this management with other types of functional management.en_EN
dc.subjectcompetitivitatea marfuriloren_EN
dc.subjectcompetitiveness of goodsen_EN
dc.subjectfunctional managementen_EN
dc.subjectcomparative advantageen_EN
dc.subjectcomparative disadvantageen_EN
dc.subjectRepublic of Moldovaen_EN
dc.subjectmanagementul functionalen_EN
dc.subjectavantajul comparativen_EN
dc.subjectdezavantaj comparativen_EN
dc.titleМенеджмент оценки конкурентоспособности товаровen_EN
Appears in Collections:Articole

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