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Title: Provocări și noi oportunități pentru creșterea competitivității Republicii Moldova în contextul celei de-a patra revoluții industriale
Authors: Maier, Lidia
Keywords: competitiveness
operating ecosystem
market ecosystem
innovation ecosystem
human capital
The Global Competitiveness Index
Republic of Moldova
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Artifex
Citation: MAIER, Lidia. Provocări și noi oportunități pentru creșterea competitivității Republicii Moldova în contextul celei de-a patra revoluții industriale. In : Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „ Innovative economic-social Approaches in the Knowledge Society”: international symposium, 5th edition, 12th-13th, December, 2019. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2019, pp. 138-153. ISBN 978-606- 8716-50- 3.
Abstract: In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution the World Economic Forum (WEF) introduced a new index on competitiveness – The Global Competitiveness Index 4.0, which at the moment looks to be the main instrument for measuring competitiveness at the worldwide level, being at the same time one of the most important tools for argumentation and monitoring of public policies. It can be used to evaluate the policy at the national level and to argue the future actions of the decision makers, meant to determine the increase of the competitiveness and adjustment the current regulatory frameworks according to the existing problems and resources that can be exploited. In this article, it was tried to analyze the indicators, included in this index and to identify the main challenges and possibilities for increasing competitiveness of the Republic of Moldova in the context of a Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, a comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the Republic of Moldova and the competitiveness of some selected countries has been made according to the principles: these should be neighboring countries with a relative close culture, similar economic structure with some reference countries at the beginning of the transition, relative small economies with low endowment in natural resources, which have achieved high growth performance.
Description: Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 152-153 (7 titl.). JEL Classification: O11, O47, O57.
ISBN: 978-606- 8716-50- 3
Appears in Collections:Articole

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