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Title: Многомерная бедность и методологические подходы к ее измерению
Authors: Rojco, Anatolii
Keywords: бедность
многомерная бедность
уровень бедности
абсолютная бедность
относительная бедность
nivel de sărăcie
sărăcie absolută
sărăcie relativă
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: РОЖКО, Анатолий. Многомерная бедность и методологические подходы к ее измерению. In: Aspecte ale dezvoltării potenţialului economico-managerial în contextul asigurării securităţii naţionale : materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale dedicate aniversării a 20 de ani ai învățămîntului economic la USARB, 6-7 iulie 2015, Bălţi. Bălţi, 2015, secţ. 1-3, pp. 358-360. ISBN 978-9975-132-35-0.
Abstract: In international practice, there are several methodological approaches to poverty measurement. However, the use of the only one of them cannot properly assess the extent and dynamics of poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon. Therefore, the most effective method is to combine different approaches to poverty measurement. In the context of the Republic of Moldova, it is advisable to use a combination of three criteria for poverty measuring, which are based on absolute, relative and deprivation approaches. In this case, those households, which are simultaneously in a state of absolute, relative and deprivation poverty, will be regarded as multidimensionally poor.
Description: Text în lb. rusă. Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 360 (1 titl.).
ISBN: 978-9975-132-35-0
Appears in Collections:Articole

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