Tourism industry in the Republic of Moldova amid Covid-19 pandemic

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Being a highly vulnerable industry, tourism was one of the most affected sectors, suffering the greatest crisis on record. The article reveals the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in the Republic of Moldova. There were explored the effects of the pandemic on tourism in the country and analysed the current situation in hospitality and tourism industry compared to the pre-pandemic period. The analysis showed that while the world saw an unprecedent fall in international tourism, domestic tourism has shown positive signs in the market. Also, it was highlighted that the tourism industry is undergoing changes, being mainly affected by economic factors, geopolitical situation and technological advancements. Main trends and challenges for tourism development in the Republic of Moldova were identified.


Text în lb. engl. Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 121 (7 titl.). UDC: 379.85, 338.48.


tourism, domestic tourism, travel, arrivals, overnights, pandemic


IANIOGLO, Alina. Tourism industry in the Republic of Moldova amid Covid-19 pandemic. В: Știință, Educație, Cultură = Наука, образование, культура: международная научно-практическая конференция, 33-ая годовщина Комратского государственного университета: cборник статей. Комрат, 2024, том 1: Экономические науки. Сельское хозяйство и перерабатывающая промышленность. Информационные технологии, математика и физика. Право и политические науки, cc. 115-121. ISBN 978-9975-83-295-3.




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