An analysis of social and labor market indicators in the Republic of Moldova in the period 2006-2022
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Topic importance is revealed in the framework of extremely strong and outright regional games such as the outbreak of war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022. Thus, understanding the regional assets, but also the shortcomings, can make the difference between regional winners and losers. The social and labor market indicators can describe the social framework for the manifestation of these pressures and can reveal the strong, but also less positive points of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of some social and labor market indicators from the Republic of Moldova in relation to the average of other countries in the European Neighborhood Policy-East (ENP-E), but also, where it can be, compared to the EU average, represents the purpose of this study. The methodology reflects the comparative analysis of several social and labor market indicators, based on statistical data, for the 2006-2022 period of Eurostat, channeling mainly the ENPE regional statistical data. The results outline the additional efforts that must be made for a better integration of the Republic of Moldova into the social framework of the European Union with 27 states.
Text: lb. engl. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 71-72 (13 titl.). JEL Classification: F16, I24, I25, J21. UDC: 316+331.5](478).
employment, education, inequality, ENP-E, European Neighbourhood Policy-East, Republic of Moldova
AILINCĂ, Alina Georgeta. An analysis of social and labor market indicators in the Republic of Moldova in the period 2006-2022. In: Economic growth in the face of global challenges. Consolidation of national economies and reduction of social inequalities: Conference proceedings: International Scientific-Practical Conference, XVIIIth edition, October 10-11, 2024, Chisinau. Chisinau: [S. n.], INCE, ASEM, 2024, vol. III: Well-being, inclusion and the reduction of social inequalities, pp. 62-72. ISBN 978-9975-167-82-6. ISBN 978-9975-167-83-3 (PDF).