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Item Investițiile - premiză pentru sporirea competitivității economiei naționale(ASEM, 2011) Timus, Angela; Fala, Victoria; Iordachi, Victoria; Isachi, Silvia-ElenaComperitiveness has become а dominant factor in supporting socio-economic development and convergence of any developing country towards а knowledge-based economy. Тhе competitiveness of developed countries 1s based оn technological development, which is generated bу major mvestments directed towards strategic sectors. Investment-competitiveness ratio is an unanimously accepted rule, being also proved bу а fierce competition to attract investment flows. То reach this goal, there are perfonned various studies, also bу national competent authorities, which are pursuing the country's development in achieving the desired level of compeririveness.Item Export competitiveness: a potential driver of development of Republic of Moldova(Tehnopress, 2012) Clipa, VictoriaItem Export competitiveness – a potential engine of development of Republic of Moldova(2012) Clipa, VictoriaItem National competitiveness: conceptual approaches and drivers(Tehnopress, 2010) Clipa, VictoriaItem Implementation of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2020) Gutium, TatianaInternational trade relationships are taking place in complicate conditions, like: geopolitical problems, military outbreaks, sanctions, huge flows of emigrants, the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic situation on national economies. In the competition for sales markets, countries use various economic policy instruments. The main objective of the study is the elaboration of recommendations that will increase efficiency of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and the increase of the domestic goods’ competitiveness. In order to achieve the objective, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, systemic method. According to the results of the analysis of the implementation of the National Strategy for Attracting Investments and Promoting Exports for the years 2016 - 2020, was developed a set of measures and recommendations in order to increase the efficiency of trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and goods’ competitiveness.Item Взаимосвязь между конкурентоспособностью и благосостоянием(2020) Gutium, Tatiana; Colesnicova, TatianaIn the context of globalization, the openness of most economies, the challenge is to increase the competitiveness of the national economy. At the same time, the quality of life of the population is an essential component of competitiveness. Therefore, the authors set themselves the task of assessing the relationship between competitiveness and welfare. In the research process, the method of correlation-regression analysis was used. The authors concluded that there is a close direct relationship between competitiveness, sustainable development and welfare.Item Impactul implementării Pachetului III Energetic în Republica Moldova asupra competitivității(Artifex, 2019) Gutium, TatianaThe Republic of Moldova does not have energy resources, so the study of the dynamics of the price level at these resources is relevant. The novelty of the study consists in estimating the impact of the third energy package on competitiveness. Research has shown that the third energy package has influenced not only the dynamics of the electricity tariff, but also on the competitiveness of the goods, the export structure and inflation.Item Modelul descriptiv de evaluare a competitivității bunurilor pe piața externă și internă(Artifex, 2021) Gutium, TatianaAssessing the competitiveness of goods is the starting point of economic activity in a competitive environment in a market economy. The necessary for calculating the competitiveness of domestic goods is caused by the degree of openness of the national economy, the high level of competition, etc. In order to mitigate the impact of structural changes in the global market, a set of new indicators has been elaborated which allow the estimation of the competitiveness of goods not only on the external market, but also on the domestic one. In addition, an alternative indicator has been developed, which takes into account the specifics of the Republic of Moldova, namely, the maintenance of a considerable share of re-exports. New index was used to estimate the competitiveness of goods in the Republic of Moldova. The obtained results have been used to develop recommendations to increase the competitiveness of goods.Item Performanța exporturilor, diversificarea acestora și creșterea economică (cazul Republicii Moldova)(Artifex, 2019) Fala, Victoria; Fala, AlexandruThere is a vast literature aiming at researching the link between export diversification and economic growth. There is no doubt that the more diversified is the basket of products exported by on country, better it will do economically. Although a reciprocal relationship does exist between the two variables. Some basic macro indicators should improve when promoting policies for export diversification, as real GDP growth acceleration and its volatility reduction. Sustaining export growth and diversification became an important aim of the Moldovan authorities to be achieved through the export promotion and investments attraction Strategy implemented in 20162020. Moldovan’external trade performance is poor. It is expressed, mainly by a huge deficit of the external Trade balance and a very low share in world exports. Moldova is implementing the Roadmap on national competitiveness enhancement and the Association Agreement with EU since 2014. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the progresses Moldova have achieved to diversify its exports during the mplementation of the above mentioned policies; to improve some other relevant trade performance indicators and the link between export concentration, export and GDP evolutions. There have been selected and analyzed a set of key relevant indicators of trade performance in dynamics and in comparison with other countries from Central and Eastern Europe. Special focus was given to export concentration and diversification and the link between the first indicator, export and GDP growth.Item Elaborarea modelelor regresiei creșterii economice și competitivității(Artifex, 2020) Gutium, TatianaThe last decade has been marked by economic and geopolitical instability, with the partial isolation of national economies, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the promotion of anti-crisis economic policies, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of these one. For this purpose, it is need to use the regression model of economic growth. The main goal of the research is to identify the influencing of factors and estimate their impact on economic growth. Using the regression analysis tools and the EViews package, the author has developed the regression model of economic growthof the Republic of Moldova and has found the interdependence between competitiveness and the growth of the national economy.