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    Perspective and development challenges of ecological agriculture in the Republic of Moldova
    (2023) Popa, Viorica; Tirigan, Sergiu; Filimon, Oleg
    The sustainability of the agricultural system has become a concern in the Republic of Moldova, a country with one of the highest rates in Europe of the share of agricultural land in total and of the role of the sector in the economy and external trade balance. Although the agricultural sector of the country registered important growth and potential based on the application of green revolution technology, the adverse impact on the environment, erosion of natural resources, and vulnerability to climate represent a challenge that is affecting the country's social and economic development perspectives. Organic agriculture plays an important role in the extension of the application and promotion of sustainable production practices, and the extension of this production scheme is a determinant for the achievement of the sustainable development objectives of the agricultural sector of the country. The study explores factors that are limiting and factors that are facilitating the development of the organic food sector in the Republic of Moldova. Comparative qualitative analyses covering EU and Moldova are summarized into analyses of co-variation between policies, regulations, institutional setup and organic sector development trends, focusing on the determination of the key milestones and driven factors. The authors also used a qualitative approach based on focus group interviews with agriculture producers, mostly focused on organic producers or producers who are evaluating the opportunities to initiate conversion to organic agriculture, to evaluate the factors influencing farmers' willingness and limiting factors from their perspective. This study was developed within the framework of Subprogram 030101 „Strengthening the resilience, competitiveness, and sustainability of the economy of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the accession process to the European Union”, institutional funding.
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    Rolul creditării bancare în finanțarea întreprinderilor din Republica Moldova
    (2023) Ianioglo, Alina
    The article reveals the problem of SMEs access to finance and the role played by banks in financing entrepreneurial activity. The purpose of the research is to analyse the role of bank lending in financing enterprises in the Republic of Moldova. Research methods used: literature review, analysis of statistical data, comparison and synthesis. It was determined that banks are the main providers of external financing for businesses. At the same time, enterprises encounter difficulties in accessing bank loans due to high interest rates, collateral requirements. Thus, in the current economic conditions, a number of SMEs encountered difficulties in paying loans. It was stated that in addition to improving the accessibility of traditional sources of financing, it is important to diversify and promote alternative sources of financing.
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    Tendințe actuale în dezvoltarea producției de cireșe în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Ceban, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    In recent years, the production of cherries in the Republic of Moldova has been constantly increasing, reaching a significant share in the horticultural field in terms of area and share of value in the total value of agricultural production. The development of this sector has impacted the focus of many investors and experts from the agrarian sector, proved by the fact that during the period 2016-2021 it has contributed to the increase of both, the average yield per hectare by approximately more than 3 times in agricultural enterprises and peasant farms and the actual cherry production by more than 30% in all categories of agricultural entities. Foreign trade in cherries is represented by a positive trade balance, but there are also some specific risks related to this product that will be further investigated in this paper. The purpose of the work is to carry out an analysis of the situation related to the production of cherries in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the presentation of some trends in the development of the sector. Analytical, descriptive and comparative research methods allowed the formulation of conclusions regarding the current state of the sector. Although the average yield per hectare in the analyzed period increased significantly, the occuring fluctuations of this coefficient lead us to the conclusion that there are still increased risks specific for production of cherries that deserve to be removed in order to obtain a profitable business.
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    Situational analysis of social inclusion policies for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova
    (ASEM, 2021) Gutium, Tatiana
    The quality of life of people with disabilities is one of the problems facing modern society. The object of research is the situation of people with disabilities. The study investigated the following issues: the structure and dynamics of people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, medical and social aspects of disability, the legal basis for the interaction between society and people with disabilities, relation between people with disabilities and civil society. The main purpose of the study is an analysis of social inclusion policies of people with disabilities promoted in the Republic of Moldova. The study has been carried out within the project of the State Program 20.80009.0807.29 “Improving the application mechanisms of the innovative instruments oriented towards the sustainable growth of the well-being of population of the Republic of Moldova”.
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    Влияние энергетического кризиса на экономику и на уровень жизни населения Республики Молдова
    (МЦНТИ, 2022) Gutium, Tatiana
    Экономика Республики Молдова, которая за год до мирового энергетического кризиса подверглась двум напастям: засухе и пандемии коронавируса, с трудом справляется с проблемами, спровоцированными энергетическим кризисом. Предметом данного исследования является энергетический кризис, его предпосылки и следствия. Цель Исследования – разработать предложения по повышению эффективности менеджмента в энергетическом секторе, а основные задачи - выявить предпосылки и причины энергетического кризиса, оценить влияние кризиса на экономику Республики Молдова и на уровень жизни населения. В данном исследовании использовались такие методы, как статистико-экономический, абстрактно-логический и экономико-математический, а также была использована программа EViews, для оценки корреляционных зависимостей. Основные полученные результаты – это выявление последствий энергетического кризиса для национальной экономики и для населения, а также разработанные предложения по повышению эффективности управления энергетическим сектором.
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    Modelul econometric de prognoză pe termen mediu al dezvoltării întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii în Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2021) Ganciucov, Valentina; Gutium, Tatiana
    Sustainable economic growth can be ensured through the further development of entrepreneurship. In turn, the development and success of small and medium enterprises are determined by external and internal factors, the manager's ability to predict and take into account changes in impact factors, which requires the organization of monitoring changes in the external environment. It is clear that making effective management decisions requires new tools when business conditions change and variety of factors increased. The use of mathematical modelling methods in the management of business activities provides an important competitive advantage to small and medium enterprises. The forecast of the main indicators of the development of small and medium enterprises for the years 2022-2024 is presented in this article. This research has been supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.38 “Multidimensional evaluation and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at national and regional level in order to boost the small and medium enterprises sector in the Republic of Moldova.”
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    Analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the customs field: strengths, weaknesses
    (Performantica, 2020) Gutium, Mircea
    In the article we systematize the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the custom field and also analyse the impact of electronic declaration on import and export of the Republic of Moldova. Customhouses taxes has become an indispensable factor for the development of the national economy, as well as electronic tools for accelerating taxes collection. According to estimates, most part of gross domestic product is collecting from customhouse taxes of import. The customs policy aims at ensuring the efficiency of customs operations, regulating the exchange of goods on the customs territory of the Republic of Moldova, contributing to solving political and trade problems regarding the protection of the internal market and stimulating the development of the national economy. At the end of the article, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of customs legislation and were elaborated the recommendations.
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    Implementation of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova
    (Performantica, 2020) Gutium, Tatiana
    International trade relationships are taking place in complicate conditions, like: geopolitical problems, military outbreaks, sanctions, huge flows of emigrants, the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic situation on national economies. In the competition for sales markets, countries use various economic policy instruments. The main objective of the study is the elaboration of recommendations that will increase efficiency of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and the increase of the domestic goods’ competitiveness. In order to achieve the objective, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, systemic method. According to the results of the analysis of the implementation of the National Strategy for Attracting Investments and Promoting Exports for the years 2016 - 2020, was developed a set of measures and recommendations in order to increase the efficiency of trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and goods’ competitiveness.