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    Perspective and development challenges of ecological agriculture in the Republic of Moldova
    (2023) Popa, Viorica; Tirigan, Sergiu; Filimon, Oleg
    The sustainability of the agricultural system has become a concern in the Republic of Moldova, a country with one of the highest rates in Europe of the share of agricultural land in total and of the role of the sector in the economy and external trade balance. Although the agricultural sector of the country registered important growth and potential based on the application of green revolution technology, the adverse impact on the environment, erosion of natural resources, and vulnerability to climate represent a challenge that is affecting the country's social and economic development perspectives. Organic agriculture plays an important role in the extension of the application and promotion of sustainable production practices, and the extension of this production scheme is a determinant for the achievement of the sustainable development objectives of the agricultural sector of the country. The study explores factors that are limiting and factors that are facilitating the development of the organic food sector in the Republic of Moldova. Comparative qualitative analyses covering EU and Moldova are summarized into analyses of co-variation between policies, regulations, institutional setup and organic sector development trends, focusing on the determination of the key milestones and driven factors. The authors also used a qualitative approach based on focus group interviews with agriculture producers, mostly focused on organic producers or producers who are evaluating the opportunities to initiate conversion to organic agriculture, to evaluate the factors influencing farmers' willingness and limiting factors from their perspective. This study was developed within the framework of Subprogram 030101 „Strengthening the resilience, competitiveness, and sustainability of the economy of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the accession process to the European Union”, institutional funding.
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    Tourism industry in the Republic of Moldova amid Covid-19 pandemic
    (2024) Ianioglo, Alina
    Being a highly vulnerable industry, tourism was one of the most affected sectors, suffering the greatest crisis on record. The article reveals the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in the Republic of Moldova. There were explored the effects of the pandemic on tourism in the country and analysed the current situation in hospitality and tourism industry compared to the pre-pandemic period. The analysis showed that while the world saw an unprecedent fall in international tourism, domestic tourism has shown positive signs in the market. Also, it was highlighted that the tourism industry is undergoing changes, being mainly affected by economic factors, geopolitical situation and technological advancements. Main trends and challenges for tourism development in the Republic of Moldova were identified.
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    О циклическом характере производства продукции растениеводства
    (INCE, 2014) Parmacli, Dmitrii; Dudoglo, Tatiana; Todorici, Liudmila; Ianioglo, Alina
    The article demonstrates the influence of climatic conditions on the results of the plant crop production in the Republic of Moldova and presents the dynamics of the cereal crop yields in the country in 1995-2012 which reflects low stability of cultivated crop productivity. The work presents a yield analysis for major types of crops - wheat, corn, sunflower - in the period of 1960-2012 and, based on the average annual metrics identifies the four phases of the economic cycle: recovery, prosperity, recession, and depression. Finally, the article provides a forecast of crop yield dynamics for the forthcoming years.
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    Коммуникации в контексте обеспечения кадровой безопасности предприятия
    (ASEM, 2014) Ianioglo, Alina
    Staff security consists in prevent of negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise due to the dangers and threats associated with the staff. The planning and management of human resources should cover all processes from the organization of recruitment and selection to their lifelong learning and motivation. The staff security is possible with the timely detection and resolution of crisis situations in the collective. It is important to create and maintain a good atmosphere in the team. In this context, communications acquires the particular importance. They form the interpersonal and business relationships between people. Through the communications people improve their professional skills, developing themselves and develop the organization that work.
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    The role of financial safety margin in determining level of economic security
    (2015) Ianioglo, Alina
    This article reveals the essence and features of calculating the break-even point and the financial safety margin. There has been presented the methodology of determining the level of economic security, depending on the values of considered indicators. This dependence is shown in the graph for ease of application. There has been calculated and determined the level of security on the example of a certain agricultural enterprise of the ATU Gagauzia.
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    Rolul politicilor publice în dezvoltarea ecosistemului antreprenorial
    (КГУ, 2022) Ianioglo, Alina
    The article reveals the role of public policies in the development of entrepreneurial ecosystem. Based on the literature review and the analysis of foreign public policies, there was examined the experience of a number of countries and determined that government policies in some countries are mainly focused on supporting start-ups, while in others are concentrated on promoting high-growth firms, scale-ups. Also, there were examined the typology of policy frameworks and highlighted general principles and main aspects of policy for entrepreneurial ecosystems.
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    Rolul creditării bancare în finanțarea întreprinderilor din Republica Moldova
    (2023) Ianioglo, Alina
    The article reveals the problem of SMEs access to finance and the role played by banks in financing entrepreneurial activity. The purpose of the research is to analyse the role of bank lending in financing enterprises in the Republic of Moldova. Research methods used: literature review, analysis of statistical data, comparison and synthesis. It was determined that banks are the main providers of external financing for businesses. At the same time, enterprises encounter difficulties in accessing bank loans due to high interest rates, collateral requirements. Thus, in the current economic conditions, a number of SMEs encountered difficulties in paying loans. It was stated that in addition to improving the accessibility of traditional sources of financing, it is important to diversify and promote alternative sources of financing.
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    Alternative de finanțare a afacerii în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Ianioglo, Alina
    Financing business activities represent one of the pressing issues. In current conditions of digital transformation and difficulties in accessing traditional financing, alternative sources of finance acquire a special importance. At the same time, the knowledge regarding alternative finance market in the Republic of Moldova is yet in its infancy. Therefore, the article aims at exploring modern trends, issues and opportunities of alternative finance in the Republic of Moldova. In order to achieve the objective of the study, a mixed research approach, based on both primary and secondary data, was used: analysis of statistical data, international rankings, comparison, synthesis, deduction. There was determined the impact of different sources of finance on entrepreneurship development. The alternative finance market in the Republic of Moldova was analysed, showing that despite a rise in recent years, alternative sources of financing are still poorly developed.
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    Tranziția energetică: provocări, tendințe și soluții
    (INCE, 2022) Popa, Viorica; Popa, Nicolae
    At the global level, humanity is faced with the problem of excessive consumption of energy resources. The challenges of the energy sector are complex: capitalizing on renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption from fossil sources, increasing energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption, as well as reducing CO2 emissions. In recent years, energy efficiency is one way we have to contribute to maintaining the sustainability of the planet. Energy is an input like any other used in the production process, no doubt for this reason, what is sought with its efficient use is to produce more while spending less energy. Energy efficiency is generally based on the optimization of consumption, which involves the search for the lowest energy intensity, a "rational use of energy", through more efficient processes and means. The objective of the study is to analyze the opportunities offered by energy efficiency as well as intelligent solutions adapted to the conditions of the national economy. The hypothesis is formulated starting from the results presented in the literature analysis section and consists in the fact that one of the basic rules of the energy efficiency transition is the exploitation of renewable energy sources in new resources for other industries. This study was developed within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 "Development of the mechanism for formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova” funded from the state budget through the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova.
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    Tendințe actuale în dezvoltarea producției de cireșe în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Ceban, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    In recent years, the production of cherries in the Republic of Moldova has been constantly increasing, reaching a significant share in the horticultural field in terms of area and share of value in the total value of agricultural production. The development of this sector has impacted the focus of many investors and experts from the agrarian sector, proved by the fact that during the period 2016-2021 it has contributed to the increase of both, the average yield per hectare by approximately more than 3 times in agricultural enterprises and peasant farms and the actual cherry production by more than 30% in all categories of agricultural entities. Foreign trade in cherries is represented by a positive trade balance, but there are also some specific risks related to this product that will be further investigated in this paper. The purpose of the work is to carry out an analysis of the situation related to the production of cherries in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the presentation of some trends in the development of the sector. Analytical, descriptive and comparative research methods allowed the formulation of conclusions regarding the current state of the sector. Although the average yield per hectare in the analyzed period increased significantly, the occuring fluctuations of this coefficient lead us to the conclusion that there are still increased risks specific for production of cherries that deserve to be removed in order to obtain a profitable business.