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Item Assessing the impact of demographic processes and socio-economic factors on the education system(ASEM, 2020) Poisic, MihailThe socio-economic situation in the Republic of Moldova, as well as throughout the world, is in a deep crisis, caused primarily by the coronavirus COVID-19. At the same time, it remains not only complex, but also largely undefined. But in addition to this factor, the population in the country is rapidly decreasing, caused by both a decrease in the birth rate and mass migration of citizens abroad. And these destructive processes in recent years have been greatly aggravated by the outpacing reduction in the number of students in grades 10-12, vocational schools, colleges and universities. This was largely a consequence of a decrease in the demand for highly educated personnel, both in the sphere of production and in national science. And this is a path to degradation that requires not only its awareness, but also a strategic approach to changing these negative trends.Item Zona de comerţ liber a ţărilor CSI: realităţi şi perspective(2008) Poisic, Mihail; Clipa, VictoriaFoundation of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS) bу the 12 of the former states of the Soviet Union, after its collapse, created а qualitatively new system of interstate relations between independent states in the sphere of foreign economic relations. The economic and trade collaboration between the CIS соипtries has begun to develop оп the basis of bilateral inter governmental agreements оп free trade, signed in 1992 - 1993. Considering the international practice and modem conditions imposed bу the globalization process and in order to develop the economic and trade collaboration between them, the former Soviet republic 1994 took measures aimed at transition to multilateral regime of the free trade оп the basis of a corresponding Agreement оп establishment of а free trade zone. This paper intends to expose the results that the CIS states have achieved in the process of free trade zone creation and its perspectives.Item Деградация потенциала аграрного сектора(INCE, 2020) Poisic, MihailIn the agriculture of the Republic of Moldova, an increasing share is occupied by products with low added value with a corresponding demand for human resources The main purpose of this article is to reveal the degradation of the educational level of the population and scientific potential and to show the futility of such a development model. The methodological basis of the research is the analysis of the time series of agricultural production, as well as the number of students and scientific personnel. The main results of the study are the justification of the need for for the formation of priorities corresponding to internal and external challenges.Item Taxation of Wealth and High Income: Features of the Fiscal Policy of the Republic of Moldova(AGEPI, 2019) Poisic, MihailIn countries with developed democracy, the level of taxation of individuals tends to diff erentiate depending on the amount of income received. At the same time, fi rst of all, special taxes are imposed on luxury goods, elite housing and other attributes of wealth that are inaccessible to the absolute majority of the population. And in parallel, diff erentiated income tax rates are introduced. During the years of independence, a community of citizens has also formed in Moldova, which in the poorest country of Europe, on the one hand, demonstrates their elitism with high levels of expenditure that emphasize their wealth, and on the other hand, they pay taxes at rates, like the absolute majority of citizens. Attempts to impose taxes on luxury, as in a number of other post-Soviet states, so far largely demonstrate their ineffi ciency. Moreover, in Moldova, their list and directly the tax rates themselves are reduced. And all this is happening against the background of high corruption in the country for four and a half years, remaining unpunished and unprecedented theft from the banking sector of amounts equivalent to one billion euros. At that time, it was equivalent to 42% of the entire money supply in the country in lei in cash and non-cash forms for individuals and legal entities. Even Western development curators of the Republic of Moldova were forced to admit that the country is a seized state.And from October 1, 2018, the Republic of Moldova moved to a one-tier system of taxation on income. The article presents the results of studies that demonstrate the inadequacy of the fi scal policy in the fi eld of wealth taxation, which are discordant with the accumulated world experience. The methodological basis of the research is a retrospective analysis of the consequences of the introduction of various forms of the luxury tax in Moldova and tax rates on personal income. The main results of the study are the evaluation of existing forms of wealth taxation, the identifi cation of ineffi cient and erroneous approaches to solving this problem. This will allow modernizing the current taxation system in accordance with the practice of civilized countries and suggest mechanisms for redistributing the fi scal burden between the richest taxpayers and the rest of the people, both in Moldova and in other countries in the transition economy.Item Деградация интеллектуального потенциала – тупиковый путь развития(INCE, 2019) Poisic, MihailÎn structura produselor fabricate și a exportului Republicii Moldova se înregistrează procese negative de reducere a componentei intelectuale. Producția, precum și exportul de mărfuri cu o valoare adăugată ridicată, sunt înlocuite din ce în ce mai mult cu materii prime, conform documentației clienților străini, precum și cu exportul de materii prime primitive. La rândul său, personalul înalt calificat, care reprezintă potențialul intelectual al națiunii, devine din ce în ce mai solicitat cu reclamații. Scopul principal al acestui articol este de a scote în evidență lipsa de utilitate a unui astfel de model de dezvoltare, care a fost verificat pe baza evaluării consecințelor creșterii accelerate a exportului de produse de bază și a reducerii producției de bunuri cu valoare adăugată ridicată, precum și înlocuirea lor pe piața internă cu importuri. S-a constatat că aceste cauze au condus la degradarea nivelului educațional al populației și potențialului științific. Baza metodologică a cercetării este analiza seriei de timp a volumelor, modelelor de exporturi și importuri, precum și numărul stagiarilor, personalului științific dar și nivelul de finanțare pentru știință, o metodă de comparație, diverse abordări metodologice pentru formarea priorităților de dezvoltare. Principalele rezultate ale studiului, constituie justificarea schimbării vectorului structural de dezvoltare a Moldovei, care ar corespunde într-un mod optim provocărilor interne și externe.Item Вектор развития промышленности Молдовы(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2018) Poisic, MihailЗа годы независимости Республика Молдова во многом не только на треть снизила объёмы промышленного производства, но и в самой структуре производимой продукции опережающими темпами идут негативные процессы сокращения интеллектуальной компоненты. Изготовление наукоёмких изделий и с высокой добавленной стоимостью во многом уже замещены на выпуск продукции из давальческого сырья по документации зарубежных заказчиков, а также по «отвёрточным технологиям». В свою очередь, становятся всё более невостребованными научно-технические и высококвалифицированные кадры – интеллектуальный потенциал нации. Основная цель статьи заключается в том, чтобы на базе оценки последствий деградации промышленного потенциала обосновать рациональную концепцию развития этого сектора экономики страны. Методологической основой исследований является анализ динамических рядов индексов объёмов и структуры производства промышленной продукции, метод сравнения, различные методологические подходы к формированию приоритетов развития. В качестве основного результата проведенных исследований можно рассматривать обоснование смены структурного вектора развития промышленности Молдовы, наиболее адекватно соответствующего внутренним и внешним вызовам.Item Экспорт в Россию упал втрое, сокращается он и в ЕС(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2016) Poisic, MihailВступление в силу Соглашения об ассоциации с ЕС не привело к росту экспорта в европейские страны. В структуре отгружаемых товаров преобладает продукция из давальческого сырья и реэкспорт, а также сырьевые ресурсы с низкой добавленной стоимостью. Нарастающие процессы деиндустриализации экономики и примитивизации аграрного сектора требуют изменения парадигмы развития страны.Item Регламентирование цен на нефтепродукты: проблемы и мифы(INCE, 2017) Poisic, Mihail31 martie 2016 a adoptat o rezoluție №102 ANRE, care a aprobat o nouă metodologie de formare și de aplicare a prețurilor la benzină, motorină și gaz petrolier lichefiat la stabilirea pentru următoarele două săptămâni, limitând nivelul lor. Apoi, legea Republicii Moldova №138 din 17 iunie 2016 reglementarea prețurilor cu amănuntul a gazelor lichefiate scoase din competența ANRE și 1 iulie 2016, ei au stabilit „cu un nivel rezonabil de profitabilitate.“ Recent, a început o dezbatere cu privire la oportunitatea de reglementare a prețurilor să abandoneze implementarea roznichnoy ca benzină și motorină. Scopul principal al acestui articol este de a evalua impactul pe baza modificărilor metodologiei de stabilire a prețurilor produselor petroliere pentru a justifica conceptul cel mai rațional al metodologiei. Baza metodologică a cercetării este analiza seriilor de timp în prețurile de vânzare cu amănuntul a produselor petroliere, metoda de comparație, diferitele abordări metodologice pentru formarea prețurilor. Principalele rezultate ale studiului pot fi considerate o justificare pentru abordarea metodologică, cea mai adecvată pentru a satisface nivelul actual al relațiilor de piață în Moldova. Acest lucru va permite de a forma o distribuție mai rațională a veniturilor între participanții la piațăItem Рынок ЕС открылся, но роста экспорта пока нет(INCE, 2015) Poisic, MihailАктуальность. Молдова стала участником зоны свободной торговли с ЕС и Турцией. Наряду с положительными факторами либерализации торговли, возник целый ряд рисков, которые могут привести к банкротству производителей, прежде всего, продовольственных товаров. Цели. На основе динамических рядов показателей внешней торговли выявить наиболее острые проблемы для молдавской экономики. Методы. В работе использованы методы логического и статистического анализа. Результаты. На конкретных показателях показаны основные проблемные аспекты для национальных экспортёров, возникшие в 2014 году. Реэкспорт – вывоз из страны ранее ввезенных (импортированных) в нее товаров. Режим переработки на таможенной территории – использование товаров на территории Республики Молдова в рамках одной или нескольких операций по переработке.Item Выбор Республики Молдова: ЕС, Турция и ТС – за и против(CEP USM, 2014) Poisic, Mihail
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