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    Situational analysis of social inclusion policies for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova
    (ASEM, 2021) Gutium, Tatiana
    The quality of life of people with disabilities is one of the problems facing modern society. The object of research is the situation of people with disabilities. The study investigated the following issues: the structure and dynamics of people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, medical and social aspects of disability, the legal basis for the interaction between society and people with disabilities, relation between people with disabilities and civil society. The main purpose of the study is an analysis of social inclusion policies of people with disabilities promoted in the Republic of Moldova. The study has been carried out within the project of the State Program 20.80009.0807.29 “Improving the application mechanisms of the innovative instruments oriented towards the sustainable growth of the well-being of population of the Republic of Moldova”.
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    Влияние энергетического кризиса на экономику и на уровень жизни населения Республики Молдова
    (МЦНТИ, 2022) Gutium, Tatiana
    Экономика Республики Молдова, которая за год до мирового энергетического кризиса подверглась двум напастям: засухе и пандемии коронавируса, с трудом справляется с проблемами, спровоцированными энергетическим кризисом. Предметом данного исследования является энергетический кризис, его предпосылки и следствия. Цель Исследования – разработать предложения по повышению эффективности менеджмента в энергетическом секторе, а основные задачи - выявить предпосылки и причины энергетического кризиса, оценить влияние кризиса на экономику Республики Молдова и на уровень жизни населения. В данном исследовании использовались такие методы, как статистико-экономический, абстрактно-логический и экономико-математический, а также была использована программа EViews, для оценки корреляционных зависимостей. Основные полученные результаты – это выявление последствий энергетического кризиса для национальной экономики и для населения, а также разработанные предложения по повышению эффективности управления энергетическим сектором.
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    Crearea unui mediu fără bariere pentru persoane cu dizabilități: obstacole și modalități de soluționare
    (Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2022) Gutium, Tatiana
    Social policy related to people with disabilities are becoming increasingly relevant to our state. The research object of this study is the policies of social inclusion, the creation of an accessible living environment for people with disabilities. Legislative acts on the social integration of people with disabilities were systematized and evaluated in this study. Recommendations to increase the social inclusion of people with special needs have been developed based on the analysis of good international practices for creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities. The novelty of this research is systematization of legislative and normative acts on the social inclusion of people with disabilities.
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    Promovarea politicii de incluziune socială a persoanelor cu dizabilități
    (Artifex, 2021) Gutium, Tatiana
    The inequality of people with disabilities stems from the many barriers which they face at all ages: social exclusion, inaccessibility of infrastructure, reduced accessibility of the transport system and inadequate public services. These barriers create significant additional costs (material, financial, health, etc.) for people with special needs and their families, making them even more vulnerable. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these barriers and inequality. In times of economic, financial and energy crisis, people with disabilities are comparatively more vulnerable than other members of society. The object of the research is measures to support people with disabilities, which were implemented in the promoted public policies. The purpose of the study is based on the analysis of good international practices of social inclusion policies of persons with disabilities to identify those that can be implemented in the Republic of Moldova. This research has been supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.29 “Improving the application mechanisms of the innovative instruments oriented towards the sustainable growth of the well-being of population of the Republic of Moldova.”
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    Causes and consequences of the 2021 energy crisis
    (Artifex, 2021) Gutium, Tatiana
    The growth rates of the fuel and energy complex of countries exports energy resources are closely related to economic growth rates of countries imports these. The growth or decline in macroeconomic indicators of exporting and importing countries is accompanied by a change in energy balance and, accordingly, a change in the state of energy markets. This market is also influenced by the policies promoted by the world key players. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the causes and consequences of the 2021 energy crisis. The article systematizes the opinions of a number of economists about the causes of the energy crisis, provides evidence confirming the author's opinion on this subject of research and presents the expected consequences of the crisis both for the economy and for the welfare of the population. This study has been supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.29 “Improving the application mechanisms of the innovative instruments oriented towards the sustainable growth of the well-being of population of the Republic of Moldova.”
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    Modelul econometric de prognoză pe termen mediu al dezvoltării întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii în Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2021) Ganciucov, Valentina; Gutium, Tatiana
    Sustainable economic growth can be ensured through the further development of entrepreneurship. In turn, the development and success of small and medium enterprises are determined by external and internal factors, the manager's ability to predict and take into account changes in impact factors, which requires the organization of monitoring changes in the external environment. It is clear that making effective management decisions requires new tools when business conditions change and variety of factors increased. The use of mathematical modelling methods in the management of business activities provides an important competitive advantage to small and medium enterprises. The forecast of the main indicators of the development of small and medium enterprises for the years 2022-2024 is presented in this article. This research has been supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.38 “Multidimensional evaluation and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at national and regional level in order to boost the small and medium enterprises sector in the Republic of Moldova.”
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    Implementation of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova
    (Performantica, 2020) Gutium, Tatiana
    International trade relationships are taking place in complicate conditions, like: geopolitical problems, military outbreaks, sanctions, huge flows of emigrants, the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic situation on national economies. In the competition for sales markets, countries use various economic policy instruments. The main objective of the study is the elaboration of recommendations that will increase efficiency of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and the increase of the domestic goods’ competitiveness. In order to achieve the objective, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, systemic method. According to the results of the analysis of the implementation of the National Strategy for Attracting Investments and Promoting Exports for the years 2016 - 2020, was developed a set of measures and recommendations in order to increase the efficiency of trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and goods’ competitiveness.
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    Взаимосвязь между конкурентоспособностью и благосостоянием
    (2020) Gutium, Tatiana; Colesnicova, Tatiana
    In the context of globalization, the openness of most economies, the challenge is to increase the competitiveness of the national economy. At the same time, the quality of life of the population is an essential component of competitiveness. Therefore, the authors set themselves the task of assessing the relationship between competitiveness and welfare. In the research process, the method of correlation-regression analysis was used. The authors concluded that there is a close direct relationship between competitiveness, sustainable development and welfare.
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    Менеджмент оценки конкурентоспособности товаров
    (2020) Gutium, Tatiana
    The world economy is developing dynamically; the prerequisites for the elaboration of a new type of management have been created. The subject of the study is the management of competitiveness assessment of goods. Follow methods were used in the process of research: the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, empirical methods. The aims of the research are to develop the fundamentals of management of competitiveness assessment of goods, to systematize assessment indicators taking into account specifics of the Moldovan economy, to elaborate proposals and measures to increase the competitiveness of domestic goods. As elements of novelty can be mentioned the following: author has elaborated the definition and stages of "management of competitiveness assessment of goods", has performed the comparative analysis of this management with other types of functional management.
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    Foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova: analysis and trends
    (2021) Gutium, Tatiana
    State policy in the fi eld of foreign economic activity aims at developing a system of measures of a legislative, executive and control nature, pointed at regulating imports and exports with foreign countries. There is an acute problem of improving the trade policy of the Republic of Moldova in order to promote exports and expand sales markets. Moldova has not yet accumulated signifi cant experience in this area, which, combined with a weak legal framework, creates diffi culties in organizing trade policy to ensure the trade interests of Moldovan businesses. This study is based on a SWOT analysis, and its main purpose is to substantiate the main objectives of strategies, state programs focused on improving foreign trade policy. Author proposed to develop and implement strategies that would include the following fourgeneral objectives: supporting the growth of export potential; improving the quality of domestic goods; increasing the quality of infrastructure and logistics effi ciency; development of electronic commerce.