International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”

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  • Item
    Reflectarea statistică a infracțiunilor electorale în perioada 2013-2023: Republica Moldova versus România
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Soroceanu, Igor
    Statistical reflection of electoral crimes is essential for understanding and improving the electoral process in a democracy. In the Republic of Moldova, the monitoring and analysis of electoral crimes in the period 2013- 2023 provides a clear picture of the integrity of the elections and the effectiveness of measures to prevent and combat electoral fraud. Also, in the Republic of Moldova, monitoring and reporting these crimes helps to improve the electoral system and prevent fraud. In this scientific endeavor we will analyze the types of electoral crimes, the ways of collecting and analyzing statistical data, and the impact of these crimes on the democratic process. Starting in 2013, the Republic of Moldova witnessed critical parliamentary and presidential elections, each of which had a considerable impact on the political direction of the country. In this context, the transparency and fairness of the electoral process were under the close scrutiny of the international community and local observers. Electoral fraud continued to be a constant concern, manifesting itself in multiple forms such as multiple voting, falsification of results and the use of fake ballots. In every election cycle, there have been reported cases of vote manipulation, both urban and rural, with these practices undermining citizens' confidence in the democratic process.
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    The evolution of the internet and digital technologies as predicted by romanians in 2030
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Stefănescu, Maria Livia
    The paper is based on the October 2021 responses of people in Romania aimed at forecasting the evolution of the internet and digital technologies for 2030. We specify that one of the six priorities for the period 2020-2024 of the European Union is to adapt the economy to the needs of European citizens. This trend is also true for the Internet and for the multiple digital applications. Referring to the mentioned European priority, we will seek to answer several questions:Q1. The importance of digital tools and the internet in the life of the individual until 2030;Q2. If you think that in 2030 the use of digital tools and the internet will bring you more advantages or disadvantages; Q3. What worries you most about the increased role of digital tools and the internet in our society. The processing of the selected data was based on the application of several statistical models specific to ordinal categorical variables. The current study revealed the importance of the age of the interviewee in positioning himself in relation to the Q1-Q3 objectives mentioned above.
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    Romania case study: a SWOT analysis of the Romanian labour market
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Dumitrescu, Alina Ligia
    The Recovery and Resilience Plans of the Member States will focus on the development of green energies, digitization, robotization, and artificial intelligence. It will determine the reform of the labour market and constructive the change of the employment structure. It will not be neglected that any process of industrial restructuring and modernization of the economy is accompanied by social costs such as layoffs or increased inflation, which will require the development of social policies for the social inclusion of vulnerable groups. The most important challenge regarding the labour markets in Romania and other states from Central and Eastern Europe is the labour market deficits. The labour force shortage affects the efficiency and business opportunities in Romania. The main target, assumed by the Romanian government through the Strategy for Employment for 2022-2024, is to achieve an employment rate of the population aged between 20-64 of 75%. This paper’s research objective is the analysis of the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of the Romanian labour market. A SWOT matrix is designed as a useful instrument in socio-economic impact qualitative analysis and employment strategy development. The results focus on the best measures for increasing better-paid jobs, educating a qualified and flexible labour force, reducing the social exclusion of disadvantaged groups (youth, women, minorities, or migrants), and reducing territorial economic disparities (between the urban and the rural area).
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    Inequalities regarding the oral health system in Europe and Romania
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Forna, Norina Consuela; Murariu, Alice; Agop Forna, Doriana; Donea, Lorenza; Forna, Norin
    The health status of the population is a complex phenomenon that expresses the health characteristics of the members of a community viewed as a whole, taking into account a series of biological, social and economic determinants. Among the socio-economic determinants that act at the individual level are financial income and the level of education. At the population level an important determining factor is represented by the national health policy. This refers to providing the population with medical personnel, financing and access to specialized medical services. In Romania, in contrast to the industrialized countries in Europe, the health policy is characterized by a chronic underfunding, with unfavorable effects on the state of oral health. Vulnerable populations, such as rural residents, as well as those with low incomes or the uninsured, have reduced access to specialized treatments due to the lack of dental offices in the respective areas, health insurance, and high costs. The improvement of public policies regarding the oral health of the population requires that the political decision-maker correctly identify the problems and find methods for an adequate budget allocation.
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    Identification of the potential to reduce greenhouse gases in the Romania economy
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Piciu, Gabriela
    This paper aims to analyze the economic sectors and the ways in which circular models can be introduced, for decarbonization and increasing economic competitiveness in Romania. The purpose of this study is to identify the strategies, the effective circular measures that can be implemented and to evaluate the potential of their implementation, given that the Romanian economy is still going through a structural transformation. These strategies aim at more efficient productions and uses, extending the lifetime of the product and component parts, and optimal use of materials. The decarbonization of the country to achieve the "Net Zero" objective, which means achieving a balance between the amount of emissions produced and those removed from the atmosphere, can be achieved through the transition to a circular economy and will result in global economic benefits, through the circular interventions implemented, through the application of a regenerative production, the elimination of waste and the valorization of waste. The long-term sustainability of the economy, and the ability to provide products and services, can be achieved through drastic changes in the way we produce and consume to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
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    The development of peri-urban areas in Romania: a case study of Suceava Municipality
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Matei, Daniela
    In the rural areas located in the vicinity of cities, rapid physical, social, and economic transformations are occurring, gradually leading to changes in the structure of the rural economy. Although each city and its associated periurban areas present different expansion models, from an economic point of view, they are all marked by changes in local economic structures, employment, spatial development patterns, and rising land costs. These dynamics are driving the reconfiguration of Suceava Municipality's peri-urban entrepreneurship, shifting from the predominance of agricultural activities towards goods production and services, in line with the development needs of the polarizing city. Using structural indicators of the peri-urban active population, levels of capital expenditure, and the operational budgets of rural communities, changes in their economy were identified, closely correlated with accessibility to the urban labour market and capital investments from the functional urban areas of cities in the North-East Development Region of Romania. The results show an increase in the average number of employees in peri-urban communes, as well as a diversification in economic activities.
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    European funds for rural development: a sustainable vision for Romania
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Prigoreanu, Ioan; Sargu, Lilia; Ignat, Gabriela
    The future of rural areas requires a change of perception and a new vision, whereby these areas are seen as spaces with potential for various economic activities beyond agriculture. This new approach should also be reflected in the way the European Union funds rural areas through local and regional administrations. EU funds are particularly effective in tackling specific problems such as pollution, unsustainable agriculture, lack of essential services (such as health and education), poverty and unemployment. However, in the face of other challenges prioritized by the European Union as priorities for rural areas (e.g. ageing population, demographic decline, migration, the rise of populist movements or lack of public transport), European funding is perceived as relatively ineffective in providing solutions. Rural areas also face specific constraints in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ecological footprint, as dispersed dwellings are often not retrofitted to make efficient use of natural resources and reduce pollution. The main objectives of the study include: identifying the research topic and funding policies in rural areas, defining the area of analysis and the capacity to identify EU policies in these areas, carrying out assessments and establishing frameworks for the analysis of EU rural policies.
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    Dynamics of agro-environmental indicators at the level of Romania in the period 2014-2023
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Giuca, Andreea Daniela
    The agricultural sector is the main user of natural resources, with agricultural production generating negative environmental impact and problems, both inside and outside the agricultural holdings. This situation increases the sensitivity of agriculture to risks that can cause serious economic losses. Considering the environmental problems facing the agricultural sector today, it is necessary to study the impact of agricultural activities on the environment, through an analysis of agro-environmental indicators. Over the past 20 years, numerous agri-environmental indicators have been developed by agronomist engineers, ecologists and economists to assess the impact of agricultural practices on the environment and to monitor the effects of agri-environment policies. This paper aims to present the dynamics of agromedium indicators at the level of Romania in the period 2014-2023, based on the data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Eight series of indicators were taken into account in this work: the area equipped with irrigation works and the irrigated agricultural area, the area equipped with drainage works, the area equipped with improvement works and combating soil erosion, the area on which fertilizers were applied chemical and natural, the amount of chemical fertilizers by category of fertilizers used in agriculture, the amount of natural fertilizers used in agriculture, the surface on which pesticides were applied, the amount of pesticides applied in agriculture.
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    Dinamica pieței de cereale în bazinul Mării Negre - contribuția României
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Certan, Ion; Voicilas, Dan-Marius; Gavrilescu, Camelia; Chiurciu, Irina-Adriana
    The paper presents the dynamics of the grain market in the Black Sea Basin. There are many reasons to focus on this area, such as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the international economic crisis, globalization, or climate changes. The Black Sea Basin has an important role not at the European level only, but also in the international trade with grains. The analysis focuses on the Romanian trade with grains. The main objective of the paper is to provide a global picture about the changes in the trade with grains in this area and the contribution of the Romanian market. The applied methodology is based on statistical analysis of the trade flows of grains using data series from the Romanian National Institute of Statistics and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from EUROSTAT and FAO databases, as well as from statistical institutes of other countries in the region. Qualitative analysis based on interviews and opinion of experts in the field was also used. The results show that the Romanian grain market had positive evolutions. The current geopolitical context and the climate changes influenced significantly the dynamic of the trade with grains, in Romania and in the Black Sea Basin as well.
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    Evolutions and perspectives of the banking sistem from Romania
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Slusariuc, Gabriela Corina
    The capital market together with the banking system have a crucial role in economy because they facilitate the transfer of capital from those who save to those who want to invest and thus contribute to the creation of value. The banking system in Romania, despite the crises in the economy, recorded very good financial results in recent years, being profitable, with a low level of non-performing loans and a high degree of stability. This study analyzed the evolution of the performance of the Romanian banking system and the main risks of the banking system, who are the global uncertainties in the context of the energy crisis, and armed political in Ukraine and the Middle East, the tension of internal macroeconomic balances, due to regional and international geopolitical developments, as well as the future conduct of fiscal and revenue policy, the delay in structural reforms and the absorption of European funds, the risk of non-payment of loans contracted by the non-governmental sector. However, the efficient management of the banking sector in Romania led to a solid system, with most of the financial and prudential indicators calculated by the EBA in the "green zone", despite the challenges associated with the health crisis and the geopolitical situation in the region, but also of the existing turbulences in the US and Swiss banking sector.