International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”
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Item Republica Moldova în procesul integrării economice internaționale(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Rosca, PetruThe article studies various aspects regarding the international division of labor; the essence of the process of international economic integration, the objectives, forms and stages of development and its contribution to the economic growth of the Republic of Moldova. A general characteristic of the main integrationist groupings of countries at international and regional level is presented; the role of the European Union (EU) as an advantageous form of economic integration of countries; Moldova's relations with the EU; Moldova's cooperation with the main international and regional economic and financial bodies; participation of the country in the development of regional and cross-border cooperation.Item Dezvoltarea cooperației de consum din Republica Moldova din perspectiva integrării europene(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Savga, LarisaCooperatives play a vital role in contemporary society due to their significant impact on socioeconomic development. They are key actors in the social economy, contributing substantially to occupational and inclusion policies and the development of local communities. Despite their considerable potential, cooperatives currently occupy a relatively minor position in broader economic and social policies and practices. Republic of Moldova's status as a candidate country (2022) and the initiation of European Commission accession (2023) have placed the nation on a new developmental trajectory. This shift emphasizes aligning economic and social policies, including those related to cooperatives, with community priorities and objectives. Concurrently, cooperatives in Moldova face numerous challenges, including economic, financial, regulatory, environmental, and governmental cooperation issues. These challenges necessitate a new vision for cooperative development, based on a systemic, innovative, and holistic approach. This research aims to analyze the current situation and trends in the development of consumer cooperatives in the Republic of Moldova. It evaluates European policies and practices in the cooperative sector to assess their applicability in Moldova and identifies strategic priorities and actions for the cooperative system's development. The research employs a comprehensive methodology. The main result of this research is the elaboration of the "Strategy for the Development of Consumer Cooperatives in the Republic of Moldova, 2025- 2030." Implementing this strategy will enhance the cooperative sector's growth and increase its contribution to sustainable economic and social development.Item Impedimentele întâmpinate de fermierii din agricultura organică în accesarea subvențiilor în Republica Moldova(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Cosalic, DianaThe Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union regulates the field of "organic farming" as a strategic priority for the 2022-2027 development period. Additionally, the member countries of the European Union have set a priority objective to increase the agricultural areas of organic farming up to 25% of the total cultivated agricultural land, by the year 2030. To date, the Republic of Moldova has not approved a similar objective, but identified a mechanism to stimulate the maintenance of agricultural land in the ecological circuit and increase of those areas. Starting with the year 2005, when the Government of the Republic of Moldova approved the policy for the development and stimulation of organic farming, initiated the process of identifying and monitoring farmers practicing organic farming. During the same period, the process of subsidizing agricultural land under organic farming and refunding of 20% of ecologically certified and marketed products also initiated. As the Government of the Republic of Moldova strives to identify financial resources to stimulate farmers in organic farming, producers and/or processors make considerable efforts to apply modern soil management technologies, increase productivity, generate income, and achieve profitability.Item Contribuția principalelor cauze de deces în schimbarea speranței de viață în Moldova(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Stirba, VitalieLife expectancy in Moldova is registering similar to regional and post-soviet countries trends, with moderate annual growth and a pronounced divergence compared to states with the lowest mortality. Between 2019 and 2023, despite the significant mortality increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, life expectancy grew by 0.8 years in males and 1.3 years in females. This resulted from the transformation of the mortality structure influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, health system improvements, and population health policies implemented. During the analysed period, a visible decline in mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, cancer, external causes of death, and diseases of the digestive system was emphasised. The prospective mortality decline could result based on previously implemented population health policies but also from the favourable cohort effect when ageing generations have avoided exposure to risk factors that contribute to the development of premature chronic diseases.Item Modele și practici internaționale aplicate în managementul migrației(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Tabac, TatianaThis paper examines international and European models and practices applied in migration management. The findings demonstrate that in France, the assimilation model, based on the principle of jus soli, promotes cultural homogeneity and national identity while addressing significant demographic issues. Germany applies a segregation model grounded in the principle of jus sanguinis, which emphasizes ethnic criteria. In contrast, the United Kingdom promotes a pluralistic approach to migration management, encouraging the harmonious coexistence of different cultural and ethnic groups within a diverse society. The adaptation model for migration flows, used by several countries in the European region, assumes that migrants adjust their behaviours, values, and norms to conform to the host society while preserving their ethnic and cultural identity. In Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, hybrid models are applied, combining interventionist approaches with the selection of migrants based on their human capital. Although the European Union has established a common framework for migration management across member states, national migration policies remain divergent, and the implementation of EU directives and regulations is often fragmented and insufficient. On the international level, a comprehensive intergovernmental agreement, the Global Compact for Migration, has been adopted to address all dimensions of international migration, aiming to ensure safe, orderly, and regulated migration. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that given that the Republic of Moldova is in the process of negotiating its integration into the European Union, adjusting the national legislative and regulatory framework to European standards will be a necessary measure for effective migration management.Item Accesul migranților moldoveni la pensii după experiențele de muncă din Italia: specific și tendințe(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Deleu, EcaterinaThe aim of this study is to analyze the situation regarding the access of Moldovan migrants who returned to their country of origin to pensions in Italy after several years of work and a contribution period in the country of migration. The topic of ageing is a current issue for migrants, the number of those arriving at the retirement age is constantly increasing. Some solutions are stipulated in the bilateral agreements regarding social security, signed in the last 20 years by the Republic of Moldova with other countries where there are Moldovan citizens. The first dossiers of pensions from Italy for Moldovan citizens returned to the Republic of Moldova were completed in 2010-2011, and the contribution period was 7-10 years. In recent years, the pension files include a contribution period of 20 years. The number of returned Moldovan migrants who receive pensions from Italy has increased to about 6 thousand. In order to research this issue, we analyzed the national and international normative framework (Republic of Moldova, Italy, European Union), the implementation of the agreement between Moldova and Italy in the social security sector (also taking into account the new Moldovan-Italian agreement, signed in Rome on October 31, 2024, the responsibilities of the National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova, the official statistics regarding the community of Moldovan citizens in Italy, etc. We conducted in-depth interviews with the representatives of the ACLI Patronat office in Chisinau (Patacli), operators and experts who provided assistance in completing pension files from 2011. For several years, the SIAS Patronat representatives also assisted Moldovan citizens interested in Italian pensions. Highlighted the arguments regarding the growth of Moldovan migrants with pensions from Italy and the estimations for the next years; the changes, the new agreement; the specifics of the current pension dossiers (types of pensions: for the age limit; disability; survivor's pensions); the conditions to have access to the pensions; the specifics of the highest (or lowest) pensions, etc.Item Relațiile familiale intergeneraționale în perioada de îngrijire a copiilor și grijă a părinților vârstnici în Republica Moldova(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Sainsus, ValeriuIntergenerational relations represent a demographic dividend in the context of mutual support between young people, adults and the elderly. In the families of Moldovan society, generational relations have historical roots. The study based on GGS data confirms the consistency of support between family members in different forms: emotional, material, financial, in some places with the involvement of close relatives. Mother-daughter relational support is strong, lasting and mutual over time, the GGS study confirms. Late marriages, divorces, emigration reduce the size of intergenerational support at the stage of reproduction and deep old age.Item Regional differences and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality trends in Moldova in 2014-2023(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Penina, OlgaPrevious studies have demonstrated a statistically significant difference in mortality between the capital, Chisinau, and the leading northern region, compared to the lagging central and southern regions in Moldova. Aim of the study: To examine the evolution of overall and cause-specific mortality by sex and major geographical regions in Moldova from 2014 to 2023, with particular emphasis on the COVID-19 pandemic period. Material and methods: Life tables with 95% confidence intervals were computed by sex and geographical region. Changes in life expectancy were decomposed by cause of death. The analysis was based on a depersonalised database of individual death records and the usual resident population for 2014-2023. Results: Between 2014 and 2023, life expectancy at birth for both sexes increased by 2.4 years, with equal or greater gains observed in the lagging central (2.3 years) and southern (3.2 years) regions compared to the leading northern region (1.6 years) and the capital (2.3 years). The impact of the COVID19 pandemic on life expectancy losses between 2019 and 2021 was most severe in the capital (3.8 years) and northern region (2.7 years), while the lagging regions were much less affected. Post-crisis recovery was more evident in the hardest-hit leading regions, though notable improvements were also observed in other regions. Conclusions: Overall improvements in life expectancy in Moldova after 2014 were significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the bestperforming regions. Conversely, the lesser impact of the pandemic on the worstperforming regions contributed to more pronounced overall life expectancy gains in those areas.Item The population of Moldova in 2040: economic and social implications of depopulation and demographic ageing(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Gagauz, OlgaThe article presents the results of the demographic projection for Moldova from 2023 to 2040, highlighting critical trends in fertility, life expectancy, and migration. The projection outlines three potential scenarios-high, medium, and low-each offering different outcomes based on varying levels of improvement in healthcare, social policies, and migration patterns. Across all scenarios, the country is expected to experience a significant population decline due to low fertility rates, negative natural increase, and sustained emigration, particularly among the younger, working-age population. The article emphasizes the accelerating demographic aging process, which will place increasing pressure on the shrinking workforce to support a growing elderly population. The scenarios also explore the potential for mitigating these challenges through improved health services, increased fertility rates, and reduced emigration. However, even in the most optimistic scenario, the demographic decline remains a pressing issue. The results underscore the need for comprehensive, forward-thinking policies aimed at addressing the root causes of demographic decline. Proactive measures in healthcare, family support, and economic development are crucial to reducing the impact of these demographic trends and ensuring sustainable growth for Moldova's future.Item Молдавские мигранты в США: анализ и перспективы(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Русу, СветланаThis article analyses the quality of life of Moldovan labour migrants in the United States, as well as the factors influencing their adaptation to new conditions in the country and their well-being. The study examines both the positive aspects of emigration, such as a higher standard of living and opportunities for professional growth for Moldovan citizens, and the challenges faced by Moldovan migrants in the US. Among the problems highlighted in the article are: financial challenges related to the high cost of living in the country and adaptation to the American labour market, legal restrictions related to obtaining legal status and access to social benefits, language barriers and cultural differences that hinder integration into American society, as well as psychological difficulties associated with adapting to a new culture. Overall, the author notes that the standard of living of Moldovan citizens in the US is much higher than in their homeland, and the main reason for emigration to the US is the desire to improve their financial well-being, pursuing the American dream. The author pays attention to the prospects for improving the quality of life of Moldovan labour migrants, noting that it is directly dependent on the migrant's legal status in the country, access to education, and level of integration into American society.