International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”

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  • Item
    Analysis and perspectives of rural tourism in the Republic of Moldova
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Colesnicova, Vlada; Daschevici, Ionelia
    Rural tourism in the Republic of Moldova has gained momentum as a strategy to revitalize rural areas, boost the local economy, and preserve cultural heritage. The sector, with its picturesque landscapes and traditional villages, attracts both domestic and international tourists. However, it faces several challenges, including seasonality, limited infrastructure, and dependence on foreign tourists. This scientific work explores the benefits, challenges, and future perspectives of rural tourism in Moldova, emphasizing the need for sustainable development strategies.
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    Transformări digitale și dezvoltarea comerțului electronic în Moldova
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Turcan, Aurelia; Gujuman, Lucia
    The digital transformations of recent years have revolutionized the global economy, contributing to the emergence of a new economy - the digital economy. As a result, new directions for doing business have emerged, but existing directions have also changed dramatically. The emergence of global communication networks, and in particular the Internet, has led to a revolution in the organization and implementation of e-commerce activities. The development of e-commerce offers great opportunities for our country. The paper presents theoretical approaches to e-commerce. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of this important sector of the digital economy. The article notes the importance and challenges of e-commerce, the growing relevance of e-commerce and the level of development of e-commerce in the Moldovan economy. Digital transformation will enable the creation of a digital society in Moldova, where electronic services are accessible to all citizens. This means not only providing online services, but also ensuring a secure and inclusive digital environment where personal data is protected and cybersecurity is a priority.
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    Reflectarea statistică a infracțiunilor electorale în perioada 2013-2023: Republica Moldova versus România
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Soroceanu, Igor
    Statistical reflection of electoral crimes is essential for understanding and improving the electoral process in a democracy. In the Republic of Moldova, the monitoring and analysis of electoral crimes in the period 2013- 2023 provides a clear picture of the integrity of the elections and the effectiveness of measures to prevent and combat electoral fraud. Also, in the Republic of Moldova, monitoring and reporting these crimes helps to improve the electoral system and prevent fraud. In this scientific endeavor we will analyze the types of electoral crimes, the ways of collecting and analyzing statistical data, and the impact of these crimes on the democratic process. Starting in 2013, the Republic of Moldova witnessed critical parliamentary and presidential elections, each of which had a considerable impact on the political direction of the country. In this context, the transparency and fairness of the electoral process were under the close scrutiny of the international community and local observers. Electoral fraud continued to be a constant concern, manifesting itself in multiple forms such as multiple voting, falsification of results and the use of fake ballots. In every election cycle, there have been reported cases of vote manipulation, both urban and rural, with these practices undermining citizens' confidence in the democratic process.
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    Persoanele cu dizabilități în cadrul alegerilor din Republica Moldova: drepturi și obligații
    (INCE, 2024) Soroceanu, Igor
    In the context of social evolution and the ever-increasing awareness of individual rights, including those of people with disabilities, the subject of their participation in the electoral process becomes increasingly pertinent and crucial. The Republic of Moldova, like other states, faces challenges and responsibilities in ensuring the democratic and fair participation of all citizens, including those with various forms of disabilities. In this context, it is vital to explore the rights and obligations of people with disabilities in the elections of the Republic of Moldova.
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    An analysis of social and labor market indicators in the Republic of Moldova in the period 2006-2022
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Ailinca, Alina Georgeta
    Topic importance is revealed in the framework of extremely strong and outright regional games such as the outbreak of war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022. Thus, understanding the regional assets, but also the shortcomings, can make the difference between regional winners and losers. The social and labor market indicators can describe the social framework for the manifestation of these pressures and can reveal the strong, but also less positive points of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of some social and labor market indicators from the Republic of Moldova in relation to the average of other countries in the European Neighborhood Policy-East (ENP-E), but also, where it can be, compared to the EU average, represents the purpose of this study. The methodology reflects the comparative analysis of several social and labor market indicators, based on statistical data, for the 2006-2022 period of Eurostat, channeling mainly the ENPE regional statistical data. The results outline the additional efforts that must be made for a better integration of the Republic of Moldova into the social framework of the European Union with 27 states.
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    Evoluția salariilor în Republica Moldova. Corespund oare acestea costului vieții?
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Vaculovschi, Dorin
    Any state, in promoting economic policies or development strategies, sets as its main goal the "well-being growth" or "improvement of the quality of life of the population". In this context, the main objectives focused on well-being and quality of life of population can also be found in the National Development Strategy "Moldova 2030", such as: "increasing income from sustainable sources and mitigating economic inequalities; increasing people's access to physical infrastructure, public utilities, and housing conditions; improving working conditions and reducing informal employment" (National Development Strategy "Moldova 2030"). The central public authorities are making colossal efforts to achieve these objectives. One solution to these objectives would be aligning the minimum salary with the current well-being standards in the Republic of Moldova through institutional methods. To achieve the objectives outlined in the Strategy, the state needs a "coherent income policy" that would lead to poverty reduction and ensure a sustainable increase in the population's wellbeing without affecting employment levels and economic development. More specifically, a "coherent salary policy", given that the salary constitutes the main form of "productive income" for the population, which, in a way, reflects the functionality of the economy and the labor market.
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    Model of interest rate with government ponzi games and debt dynamics under uncertainty within fiscal federalism
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Vintu, Denis; Balaban, Georgiana
    This paper presents two objectives: in the first part, we make a presentation of interest rate equations in a historical overview, from Irwing Fisher to John Maynard Keynes. Second part is designed to quarterly estimated structural macro econometric model for the Republic of Moldova, denoted A Classical Macroeconometric Data Model for the Republic of Moldova (MDM) in context of Neo-Classical Approach of the Economy. This model has been developed with four uses in mind: the assessment of economic conditions in the Republic of Moldova, macroeconomic forecasting, policy analysis and deepening understanding of the functioning of market economy. As research methods, the paper comprises elements of stochastic long run simulations. The relationship between: interest rate and economic growth is insignificant. As results, we found that for the Republic of Moldova, Taylor's rule (interest rate, in New Keynesian approach) together with Macroeconomic Cointeg (database, 162 obs., in Neo Classical approach) would be the best fit. The gross domestic product contributes insignificantly to the calculation of the interest rate, other elements would influence the economy, such as the budget deficit, the inflation rate, foreign remittances, investment policy and agriculture.
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    Dezvoltarea cooperației de consum din Republica Moldova din perspectiva integrării europene
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Savga, Larisa
    Cooperatives play a vital role in contemporary society due to their significant impact on socioeconomic development. They are key actors in the social economy, contributing substantially to occupational and inclusion policies and the development of local communities. Despite their considerable potential, cooperatives currently occupy a relatively minor position in broader economic and social policies and practices. Republic of Moldova's status as a candidate country (2022) and the initiation of European Commission accession (2023) have placed the nation on a new developmental trajectory. This shift emphasizes aligning economic and social policies, including those related to cooperatives, with community priorities and objectives. Concurrently, cooperatives in Moldova face numerous challenges, including economic, financial, regulatory, environmental, and governmental cooperation issues. These challenges necessitate a new vision for cooperative development, based on a systemic, innovative, and holistic approach. This research aims to analyze the current situation and trends in the development of consumer cooperatives in the Republic of Moldova. It evaluates European policies and practices in the cooperative sector to assess their applicability in Moldova and identifies strategic priorities and actions for the cooperative system's development. The research employs a comprehensive methodology. The main result of this research is the elaboration of the "Strategy for the Development of Consumer Cooperatives in the Republic of Moldova, 2025- 2030." Implementing this strategy will enhance the cooperative sector's growth and increase its contribution to sustainable economic and social development.
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    Sporirea competitivității în sectorul agricol prin tehnologie: de la tradiții spre Agricultura 4.0
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Cojocaru, Adrian
    The growth of the population on Earth, increasing demand for affordable food, rising costs of production factors, labour shortage in farming; all these lead to huge transformations in the agricultural sector. Artificial intelligence is increasingly applied in precision agriculture and the robotization of farming process. Similarly, block-chain technologies contribute towards increasing the efficiency of agribusiness management and ensuring the products traceability. The purpose of this research is to identify the main trends at the global level in the field of technologies that have a decisive impact on increasing agricultural productivity and competitiveness, as well as to understand how much the Republic of Moldova is integrated in these trends. The research methodology was focused on the analysis of the works regarding the impact of technologies on agricultural competitiveness, indepth interviews with agricultural producers and technology suppliers from the Republic of Moldova, as well as the study of online sources showing how the respective technologies are implemented. Although the Republic of Moldova is not among the pioneers in terms of the development of intelligent solutions for agriculture, there are solid premises in the country for an accelerated transition to Agriculture 4.0.
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    Impedimentele întâmpinate de fermierii din agricultura organică în accesarea subvențiilor în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Cosalic, Diana
    The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union regulates the field of "organic farming" as a strategic priority for the 2022-2027 development period. Additionally, the member countries of the European Union have set a priority objective to increase the agricultural areas of organic farming up to 25% of the total cultivated agricultural land, by the year 2030. To date, the Republic of Moldova has not approved a similar objective, but identified a mechanism to stimulate the maintenance of agricultural land in the ecological circuit and increase of those areas. Starting with the year 2005, when the Government of the Republic of Moldova approved the policy for the development and stimulation of organic farming, initiated the process of identifying and monitoring farmers practicing organic farming. During the same period, the process of subsidizing agricultural land under organic farming and refunding of 20% of ecologically certified and marketed products also initiated. As the Government of the Republic of Moldova strives to identify financial resources to stimulate farmers in organic farming, producers and/or processors make considerable efforts to apply modern soil management technologies, increase productivity, generate income, and achieve profitability.