International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”
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Item Substanțele chimice şi deşeurile acestora în Republica Moldova: gradul de informare și conștientizare a populației(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Perciun, Rodica; Vutcarau, VladaChemicals are used in dozens of industries and are found in thousands of consumer products that we purchase daily. The chemicals and substances that make up these products can have a significant impact on health and the environment. Access to information about the chemicals in products is a global issue that requires worldwide collaboration among stakeholders across the entire life cycle of these substances. The lack of information regarding chemicals in products is one of the obstacles to reducing the risks associated with these chemicals. This article presents some results from the study on "Public Concerns Regarding Chemicals and Their Waste in the Republic of Moldova," which was developed as part of the national chemical safety campaign within the project "Promoting Good Governance and Building Platforms for Better Coordination of Sustainable Chemicals and Waste Management in Line with the SAICM Post-2020 Approach in Moldova." in partnership with Subprogram 030101 „Strengthening the resilience, competitiveness, and sustainability of the economy of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the accession process to the European Union”. The aim of this article is to identify the level of knowledge, information, and attitudes of the survey respondents concerning issues related to chemicals and their waste. To achieve the proposed objectives, general scientific methods were applied: analysis, synthesis, survey, interview, statistical processing of empirical data, graphic methods, indicators, comparison, grouping, etc. The informational support of the research is primarily based on a developed questionnaire.Item Consideraţii privind conceptul de securitate economică a statului(INCE, 2015) Perciun, RodicaAcest articol reflectă anumite viziuni ale autorului asupra noţiunii de securitate a statului. Autorul combină mai multe idei despre securitatea naţională, securitatea economică şi cea financiară. Tot aici sunt aduse definiţii ale conceptului de securitate a statului, este arătat rolul şi importanţa securităţii economice, sunt enumerate componentele principale şi factorii ce influenţează securitatea economică a statului.Item Circular economy in practice: key actors in sustainable transformation.(INCE, 2023) Perciun, Rodica; Savga, Larisa; Iordachi, VictoriaThis article explores the essential contribution of different actors in promoting and implementing the circular economy, a sustainable economic model that aims to minimize waste and maximize resources. The article provides a comprehensive insight into how the circular economy is being put into practice and underlines the importance of involving all actors in this sustainable transformation. By looking at the roles and collaborations between governments, companies, non-governmental organizations and citizens, this article provides a detailed insight into how the circular economy comes to life in practice. It emphasizes the contribution of key actors such as governments, who can enact policies and laws favorable to the circular economy, and companies, who can develop innovative products and processes. The article also highlights the active involvement of non-governmental organizations in educating and raising public awareness of the benefits of the circular economy and how citizens can contribute through responsible consumption practices. Through case studies and concrete examples, the article illustrates how these key players are working together to create a more sustainable supply chain and economic environment. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the collaboration between these actors is essential for achieving a successful transition to the circular economy and for building a greener and more sustainable future. This paper was supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism for the formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.Item Economia circulară și recuperarea deșeurilor din plastic prin reciclare în Moldova(INCE, 2023) Perciun, RodicaIn the Republic of Moldova, the situation in the field of waste management is similar to countries with an emerging economy because the generation of waste is influenced by numerous factors, such as: the types of economic activity, the difficult macro-financial situation, low incomes, consumer behavior, the degree of responsibility, the level of awareness of the problem of all actors involved in this process. Currently, we can see that the Republic of Moldova is increasingly affected by pollution, including due to plastic waste. The study carried out outlined a synthesis picture on the use of plastic products and plastic packaging, as well as the perception of subjects vis-à-vis the current legislation in the field of waste and plastic products, and created the reflection of society on public policy challenges on plastic waste, which will be addressed in the near future in national circular economy legislation. The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the level of use of plastic products and the generation of plastic waste, as well as to determine the perception and behavior of the end consumer regarding the circular economy. To achieve the proposed objectives, general scientific methods were applied: analysis, synthesis, history and logic, critical analysis of materials, clustering, but also analysis methods, such as survey, interview, statistical processing of empirical data and official data, graph method, indicators, comparison, grouping, etc. This paper was supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism for the formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.Item Dezvoltarea teoriilor cursului de schimb şi evoluţia principiilor de modelare ale acestuia(IEFS, 2011) Iacub, Nadejda; Perciun, RodicaÎn opinia autorului, în baza regimului cursului de schimb, a impactului statului asupra acestuia, prin utilizarea ca un instrument al politicii sale, al modului de stabilire a echilibrului macroeconomic putem profila cinci principale concepţii normative în procesul de evoluţie a teoriilor cursului de schimb: clasică, nominalistă, neoclasică, keynesiană şi teoria zonelor valutare optime. Apariţia şi dezvoltarea acestor concepţii au avut loc în paralel cu dezvoltarea sistemului financiar şi monetar internaţional (SFMI).Item Analiza principalelor măsuri ale politicii fiscale Republicii Moldova: realități, prognoze și impactul acestora(IEFS, 2011) Perciun, RodicaOne of the main ways of participation of natural and legal persons in setting up the general funds of the society to cover existent needs and state development are taxes and fees. This paper contains analysis of the main elements of fiscal policy and its results for 2010 year. Also, the author relates about some trends of fiscal policy in the Republic of Moldova as well as shows their impact on the national public budget establishing process.Item Analiza politicii bugetare a Republicii Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Perciun, Rodica; Septelici, Viorica; Timus, AngelaIn the whole system of state macroeconomic policy, the budget policy occupies a main place. The national budget generates the increasing public spending, consumption and investments, state measures to avoid shocks, etc. In this paper, the authors have made Moldova's budgetary policy analysis, emphasizing on the main components of national public budget.