International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”

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    New model schools in the Republic of Moldova: current situation and future prospects
    (INCE, ASEM, 2024) Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, Silvia; Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The Republic of Moldova has initiated an ambitious national project to create a Network of Model Schools aimed at improving educational quality and equity across the country. This paper examines the current status of the initiative, focusing on the renovation and modernization of 35 general education institutions, with a special emphasis on rural and underserved areas. The project seeks to bridge the gap between rural and urban educational outcomes by providing state-of-the-art infrastructure, modernized curricula, and enhanced digital learning tools. The study highlights the role of international partnerships, such as those with the World Bank, UNICEF, and USAID, in supporting the initiative through financial and technical assistance. A comprehensive analysis of the distances between settlements within Chisinau municipality and a Model School demonstrates challenges related to accessibility for rural students. The findings emphasize the importance of sustained investment, teacher training, and community engagement in ensuring the long-term success of the Model Schools initiative. The project holds significant potential to improve educational outcomes and reduce disparities, aligning Moldova's education system with European Union standards. The article was developed within the framework of Subprogram 030101 „Strengthening the resilience, competitiveness, and sustainability of the economy of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the accession process to the European Union”, institutional funding.
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    SME sector in conditions of ecological transformation
    (INCE, 2024) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Bejenaru, Iulia
    This research analyzes the problems of the SME sector in the context of1 environmental transformation. The report of the UN Commission on Environmental Problems forecasts revealed that our planet will face serious environmental changes until 2032. Human activity will lead to deformation of more than 70% of the Earth's surface and disappearance of more than a quarter of flora and fauna species. The threat of shortages of clean air, drinking water and virgin landscapes is becoming a reality. According to WHO, 80% of diseases are linked to poor quality water, and about 5 million people die each year from dirty water. In the future, water may become the cause of conflicts similar to modern conflicts over oil. The relevance of this research lies in the founding solutions to reduce negative environmental impacts, especially in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which play an important role in the economy. Sustainable business development becomes a key element for the protection of nature and public health. In Moldova, the issue of environmental transformation of SMEs is insufficiently researched, which emphasizes the relevance of this research. The aim of this research is to determine the role of SMEs in the ecological transformation of the economy, as well as to identify barriers and opportunities for the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies in this sector. Scientifical methods include analyzing statistical data, analyzing surveys and interviews with experts, as well as comparative analysis of other countries' experience. The results of the research reveal that improving environmental indicators open a new business opportunity for SMEs, but the main barriers are lack of resources, skilled labor and knowledge. Support from public authorities is required to balance economic and environmental interests and ensure sustainable development.
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    Abordările statistico-econometrice în evaluarea sărăciei subiective
    (IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The concept and methods for measurement of the subjective poverty are analyzed in the paper. It highlights the main statistic and econometric toolkits in themeasurement of subjective poverty. The Leiden’s regression method is described in details.
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    Labour-market outcome for young moldovan graduates: pointer for policy and practice
    (IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Hristiuc, Liubovi
    Labour-market outcome for young Moldovan graduates is analyzed in the paper. The paper highlights the main problems of the labour market facing graduates in the Republic of Moldova. The youth represents the most valuable human resource for economic development of the country. In the Republic of Moldova as well as in many other countries the possibility for young people to enter in employment on such kind of occupation is essentially restricted because of lack of professional experience and necessary qualification. The main directions of national policy in this domain are outlined.
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    Challenges to access educational institutions
    (INCE, 2023) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, Silvia
    The welfare is heavily influenced by the level of education attained by people. Accessibility may be observed at the country level and also it can be seen at the individual level. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate some characteristics of educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova, mainly from the perspective of the beneficiary. As research methods were used the analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Used data sources are the statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova and the results of a survey elaborated by the authors. The study's findings reveal an overall drop in the number of institutions, teaching staff and students. However, respondents to the survey rated relatively highly, but not very highly, the teaching staff, the quality of hygienic-sanitary conditions, the quality of teaching, the technical-material basis, and the professional-pedagogical qualities of the staff, but they were less satisfied with the quality of the institution's food products and the living conditions in the dormitory. During the years of study, a significant proportion of respondents stated that they paid additional payments in addition to the contractual ones. This paper was developed and financed within the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 State Program Project "Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative tools oriented towards the sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova".
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    International experience in the field of youth employment regulation: analysis and perspectives
    (IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The international experience in the field of youth employment regulation is analyzed in the paper. It highlights the main labour market problems facing youth,policies for its regulation, and perspectives. The main global figures are indicated. Active labour market policies and programmes on this subject are discussed. Perspectives for enhancing youth employment system are outlined.
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    Gender audit for enterprises as a tool to develop policies to regulate the gender equality in the Republic of Moldova
    (IEFS, 2011) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The author’s proposals for implementation of the gender audit in the enterprises of different activity types and size in the Republic of Moldova are discussed in the paper. The main target of this work is to provide a set of tools and practical guidelines to be used at the gender audit. Gender audit is a tool that support an organization’s commitment to gender equality by examining the extent to which equality is being institutionalized. It helps to identify good practices and points to effective and efficient ways of moving forward in mainstreaming the gender in all work activities. Gender audit was demonstrated as a relevant, dynamic and extensive tool to assess the progress in promoting gender equality in the sphere of work.