International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization" = Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică „Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării”
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Item Dinamica pieței de cereale în bazinul Mării Negre - contribuția României(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Certan, Ion; Voicilas, Dan-Marius; Gavrilescu, Camelia; Chiurciu, Irina-AdrianaThe paper presents the dynamics of the grain market in the Black Sea Basin. There are many reasons to focus on this area, such as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the international economic crisis, globalization, or climate changes. The Black Sea Basin has an important role not at the European level only, but also in the international trade with grains. The analysis focuses on the Romanian trade with grains. The main objective of the paper is to provide a global picture about the changes in the trade with grains in this area and the contribution of the Romanian market. The applied methodology is based on statistical analysis of the trade flows of grains using data series from the Romanian National Institute of Statistics and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from EUROSTAT and FAO databases, as well as from statistical institutes of other countries in the region. Qualitative analysis based on interviews and opinion of experts in the field was also used. The results show that the Romanian grain market had positive evolutions. The current geopolitical context and the climate changes influenced significantly the dynamic of the trade with grains, in Romania and in the Black Sea Basin as well.Item Însemnări despre cercetări economice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Certan, Ion; Certan, SimionȘtiința, după cum susține Iules Henri Poincare, se face cu fapte, așa cum o casa se face cu pietre; dar o acumulare de fapte nu este o știință, așa cum o grămada de pietre nu este o casa. Deci scopul studiului este acumularea, analiza faptelor, stabilirea legăturile între ele pentru a contura adevărul cu privire la organizarea instituțională a cercetărilor științifice în economia națională. Din materialele utilizate în cercetare fac parte acte normative a României și Republicii Moldova, monografii și alte publicații specifice temei care ne-au permis să identificăm influența diverselor factori obiectului studiat. Analiza cantitativă s-a realizat în baza datelor selectate din anuarele statistice și alte surse oficiale ale instituțiilor internaționale și ale țării noastre fiind prelucrate de autori, ce ne-a furnizat semnificații și explicații pertinente a impactului celor mai semnificativi factori asupra obiectului studiat. În rezultatul acestei modeste investigații am adus clarificări privind organizarea instituțională a cercetărilor științifice în economia națională, în mod special cu privire la reformele agrare și am formulat unele propuneri ce ar aduce agricultura națională la cerințele societății contemporane. Science, as Iules Henri Poincare argues, is done with facts, just as a house is made with stones; but an accumulation of facts is not a science, just as a pile of stones is not a house. Thus the purpose of study is the accumulation, analysis of facts, establishing links between them to outline the truth about the institutional organization of scientific research in the national economy. The materials used include normative acts of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, monographs and other publications specific to the topic that allowed us to identify the influence of various factors on the object studied. The quantitative analysis was performed based on data selected from statistical and other official sources of international and national institutions, processed further by authors, which provide us with pertinent meanings and explanations on the impact of the most significant factors over the studied object. As a result of this modest investigation, we clarified the institutional organization chart of scientific research in the national economy, especially on agrarian reforms, and made some proposals that might bring national agriculture to the requirements of contemporary society. Наука, как утверждает Юль Анри Пуанкаре, делается делами, как дом сделан из камня; но накопление фактов - это не наука, так же как груда камней - не дом. Для этогo проводится накопление, анализ фактов, установление связей между ними и институциональной организации научных исследований в национальной экономике. Материалы включают нормативные акты Румынии и Республики Молдова, монографии и другие публикации, которые позволили выявить влияние различных факторов на изучаемый объект. Количественный анализ проводился на основе данных, отобранных из статистики и других официальных источников международных организаций и нашей страны, обрабатываемых авторами для объяснения воздействия наиболее значимых факторов на изучаемый объект. В результате этого мы прояснили институциональную организацию научных исследований в национальной экономике, особенно по аграрным реформам, и внесли некоторые предложения, которые приведут национальное сельское хозяйство к требованиям современного общества.Item Agriculture and environmentally beneficial practices applicable to arable land introduced through the eco-scheme(INCE, 2022) Stoicea, Paula; Certan, Ion; Dobre, Carina Andreea; Iorga, Adina Magdalena; Chiurciu, Irina Adriana; Balan, AureliaThe practice of sustainable agriculture requires the adoption of legislative, economic, technical and technological measures to mitigate the effects of climate warming, with particular emphasis on the protection of the environment and biodiversity, but also on encouraging farmers to apply them, taking into account the profitability of agricultural businesses. The Common Agricultural Policy, oriented towards a number of pressing aspects, such as climate change, food security, sustainable management of natural resources and supporting rural areas, aims to maintain the vitality of their economy and preserve the environment. For this purpose, the National Strategic Plan of Romania for the period 2023-2027 includes, in the direct payments section, the eco-scheme "Beneficial practices for the environment applicable in arable land", a subsidy that can be accessed by farmers who own agricultural holdings with a minimum of 5 ha arable land, and which, for access, are conditioned by the allocation of 4% of the area held for non-productive elements, and on 5% of its area existing annual protein vegetable or leguminous crops, fixing nitrogen, which can be harvested. Also, from the specific conditions, to apply a beneficial practice for the environment, on choice: either the diversification of crops, or to practice a conservative type technology (no tillage/minimum tillage/strip tillage), or to practice fertilirigation or phase fertilization, or to apply measures to correct soil acidity (liming measures). These aspects represent a challenge for farmers, who must take into account new approaches.Item Meditare asupra învățământului superior agricol din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Certan, Ion; Certan, SimionThe declaration of independence of the Republic of Moldova (August 27, 1991) imposed the reformation and harmonization of the development of the national economy. In the Republic of Moldova, agriculture was and remains the strongest balancing factor in harmonizing the development of the national economy. Moreover, agriculture was and remains the backbone of the national economy, having a significant contribution to the formation of the country's gross domestic product. The conception of the agrarian reform and the socio-economic development of the village, adopted by the decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on February 15, 1991, claims that "the main link of the agrarian reform is the reform of land relations". The main orientation of the reform of land relations was the demonopolization of state ownership of land and ... the affirmation in practice of different types of ownership in agriculture". As a result, "... the peasant household (farm type), based on real economic independence" appeared. The continuation of the agricultural reform of the Republic of Moldova was foreseen by the "Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova, on the one hand, and the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand" which was signed and initialed by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in 2013. The need to intensify reforms in the national economy, including in agriculture, is imposed by the acceptance in 2022 of the Republic of Moldova as a candidate for the European Union. It is natural to return to the human potential available for national agriculture, especially to the organization of university studies for the training of specialists in the fields of agriculture. The article reflects on the training system aimed at training and developing the knowledge, skills, professionalism and creativity of specialists for national agriculture. The authors come up with some proposals that would contribute to ensuring agriculture with specialists that would ensure increased results in this sector of the national economy.Item The contribution of the member states to the consolidation of the EU's role on the cereals market, in the context of the current geopolitical instability(INCE, 2022) Chiurciu, Irina-Adriana; Certan, Ion; Dinu, Toma-Adrian; Soare, Elena; Stoicea, PaulaIn the conditions of the current geopolitical instability, the EU is strengthening its position on the world grain market. The study captures the evolution of the cultivated areas with wheat and corn, the harvested productions obtained in the period 2015-2021, as well as the yields, through the lens of the EU member states. For the analysis, was processed data provided by the official statistics website of the EU - Eurostat, by the General Directorate of AGRI, Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as by the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. At the level of 2021, in terms of the cultivated areas, France was ranked first in terms of wheat, with 5,277.05 thousand ha, followed by Germany - 2,939.00 thousand ha, Poland 2,390.52 thousand ha and Romania - 2,151.19 thousand ha, while for corn Romania was the leader with 2,572.56 thousand ha, followed by France - 1,547.12 thousand ha and Hungary with 1,043.11 thousand ha. In terms of harvested productions, the ranking is the following: for wheat in first place - France, with 36,607.12 thousand tons, followed by Germany - 21,459.20 thousand tons, Poland with 11,893.55 thousand tons, and Romania - 11,386.41 thousand tons, while for corn France ranked first, with 15,285.68 thousand tons, followed by Romania - 15,186.12 thousand tons and Poland - 7,321.91 thousand tons. The study will be finalized with a series of conclusions and recommendations regarding the prospects of the sector at the European level and the role of each individual member state.Item Reflecţii cu privire la dezvoltarea economiei naţionale(INCE, 2015) Certan, Simion; Certan, IonDupă aprobarea Declaraţiei de independenţă (27 august 1991), se depun eforturi considerabile pentru a-şi consolida locul printre naţiunile democratice şi a-şi dezvolta economia astfel încât să se mişte energic spre faimosul „mai bine”. În procesul dezvoltării economiei naţionale, bazate pe relaţiile de piaţă şi deschise faţă de lume s-au produs, fără îndoială, mutaţii importante nu numai de formă, ci mai ales de fond. Situaţia respectivă obligă să se intensifice preocupările ce ţin de procesele din economia naţională, ceea ce determină actualitatea prezentului studiu. In articol autorii meditează asupra evoluţiei economiei ţării noastre şi vin cu unele propuneri care ar contribui la dezvoltarea durabilă a economiei naţionale.Item Meditare despre folosirea terenurilor destinate agriculturii în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2023) Certan, IonThe decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of July 25, 1990 qualified "...the transition to the market economy as a model of economy...". The development of the economy essentially depends on agriculture, which for all countries was, is and will be the support of human existence and, therefore, constitutes the strongest balancing factor in harmonizing the development of the state. It is no coincidence that one of the first normative acts adopted on February 15, 1991 by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova was the Concept of agrarian reform and the socio-economic development of the village. The development of agriculture is influenced by the available resources, primarily by the natural potential which, as P. Bran states [1,20], participates with the "force of its laws and its "goodnesses", substance (s), energy (e) and information (i), goods in a natural state, ``manufactured'' by the physical, chemical, and biological movement of matter''. It is no coincidence that the Concept mentions that "the main link of the agrarian reform is the reform of land relations", aimed at "the demonopolization of state ownership of land and, as a result, the recognition of land as a commodity, the affirmation in practice of different types of ownership in agriculture" In this article, the authors present a modest study on the evolution of agricultural lands and come up with some proposals aimed at using them more rationally.Item Din experiența internațională a managementului sistemului financiar(IEFS, 2012) Certan, IonXX centuries marked the world economy by an intense process of globalization that impose an intensification of trade and investment flows among countries. Therefor the economy of countries that access the international arena must be prepared to survive in a taft competition in order to benefit from this opportunities. Thus competitiveness becomes an important aim to be achieved and main target for economies of developed countries as well as developing ones. Meanwhile efficient development of national economy of any country is highly dependent of access to financial markets, including international ones, that underline the necessity of financial system globalization. The increase of capital markets turnover that caused necessity of adjustment of national financial system to international ones, remain much bigger and important, even the process of globalization generated a big growth of goods and services transactions or labor force movement among the countries.Item Reforme și politici în economia Republicii Moldova(IEFS, 2012) Certan, Simion; Certan, IonRepublic of Moldova, since independence, decided to consolidate its plase among the democratic nations and open to reform economy in order to integrate it in european and international circuit as well as in the process of globalization. Reform of national economy was orientated towards substitution of an old, outdated and almost collapsed socioeconomic system by one capable to ensure the continued progress in society. Thus this reform could be done through revercing the ratio between state-owned and private property, reduction or even excusion of state intervention in economy, establishment and development of market economy tools and instruments. Unfortunatelly the concept adopted for implementation was designd as is form scratch that does not consider ongoing changes, local particularities and specifics. Therefor it caused loses in time and money in almost all branches of national economy and led to growth of discrepancy among them and related to neighborhood ones. The proposed essay consider a sintez of reforms evolution and economic policies efects, free trade and concurence, fiscal and investment policies applied in national economy, as well as their ajustment to best practicies and market economy requirements.Item Împrumutul şi creditul bancar în circuitul financiar din economia naţională(IEFS, 2011) Certan, IonNowadays Republic of Moldova makes efforts to reform its economy. The starting point for the reconstruction of national economy is foundation and development of a finance system based on modern and efficient principles and mechanisms. The article considers one of the main directions in development from the current situation within the sources of financing like as credit as their present and future microfinance system. This article considers the ways of formation and distribution of financial sources.